- 2019 -


CLT Commentary
by Chip Ford

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"Whichever way you slice it, the same people who complain they can’t get a fair shake from a cynical public have just done a marvelous job in making that public even more cynical."

Kevin Cullen, The Boston Globe, Jan. 29, 2017
On the Legislature's obscene $18M pay grab heist

CLT Updates 2019

Dec 21, 2019 "The Boston Gas Party" in 2020?
Dec 18, 2019 Impact of a TCI pact
Dec 17, 2019 CLT opposes TCI 
Dec 14, 2019 After the Twenty-Plus-Year War — Victory!
Dec 13, 2019 Will this craziness never end?
Dec 4, 2019 A Legislature in "Recess"
Nov 27, 2019 The History of a Betrayal — Gov. Baker Sells Out Taxpayers
Nov 26, 2019 "A new review is coming for an old law, Prop 2½" — Gov. Baker sells out taxpayers
Nov 24, 2019 Letter to Gov. Baker requesting his amendment of Education Bill
Nov 21, 2019 Taxpayers, voters abused again
Nov 20, 2019 Memo to Legislators — S-2412 — Education Conference Committee Bill 
Nov 17, 2019 Catching Up With Beacon Hill Roll Call's "ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL"
Nov 16, 2019 Will Proposition 2½ still stand next week or be weakened?
Nov 13, 2019 Memo to Conference Committee: "Mitigating" Proposition 2½ is not needed 
Nov 12, 2019 A Call to Arms: Proposition 2½ Attack Imminent
Nov 10, 2019 The Massive Tax Hikes Surge Is On
Nov 2, 2019 The hits (on taxpayers) just keep on coming!
Oct 25, 2019 Prop 2½ safe in House bill, but the threat remains
Oct 22, 2019 Memo to House Republicans:  Proposition 2½ under attack 
Oct 20, 2019 Beacon Hill taxing craze ramping up
Oct 12, 2019 The taxing frenzy is upon us
Oct 9, 2019 Memo to Republican Legislators:  Stealth attack on Proposition 2½
Oct 6, 2019 Proposition 2½ again under attack
Sep 29, 2019 Another Mass. Democrat Party power-grab, and a new tax
Sep 22, 2019 They're baack — "No man's life, liberty, or property are safe"!
Sep 14, 2019 Hope for even a semblance of sanity?
Also:  World Taxpayers Associations proclamation supporting Hong Kong protestors
Sep 10, 2019 CLT Supports Estate Tax Revision; Opposes “Bifurcated” Property Tax 
Sep 7, 2019 Gov proposes "graduated tax relief"
Aug 31, 2019 Some legislators begin to stir
Aug 24, 2019 Mass., #46, spent 304% higher than national average on its highways
Aug 17, 2019 Will Proposition 2½ be next?
Aug 12, 2019 "The Best Legislature Money Can Buy" — Vacation Week #1
Aug 5, 2019 Gov. Charlie Baker is a "disappointment" at best
Aug 3, 2019 No-Veto Charlie's $43.3B budget keeps pols "fat, happy, and satiated"
Jul 31, 2019 More-Than-Enough is Enough  
Jul 25, 2019 Speaker's $1.3 billion borrow-and-spend GreenWorks bill streaks through House
Jul 23, 2019 Budget whizzes to Gov's desk
Jul 22, 2019 Don't blink or you'll miss the budget's passage
Jul 17, 2019 Mass. set to win dead last state budget trophy, again
Jul 15, 2019 The Bay State's "Battered Citizen Syndrome"
Jul 10, 2019 Still no budget but dysfunction abounds
Jul 3, 2019 New 'Death Tax' hike: "They can go to hell”
Jun 29, 2019 Mass. late state budget again among the last in nation
Jun 22, 2019 Craziness expands on Beacon Hill
Jun 19, 2019 Billions more is 'Not enough yet'
Jun 12, 2019 Grad Tax withdrawn – "Millionaires Tax" amendment advanced with lopsided vote
Jun 11, 2019 "Beware of Progs bearing gifts" 
Jun 10, 2019 "Millionaires Tax" changed to Grad Tax on All?
Jun 5, 2019 Legislator: "Guess what? You can't trust us."
May 29, 2019 Catching up: The Senate budget
May 27, 2019 Services for Chip Faulkner
May 25, 2019 Reports on the passing of Chip Faulkner
May 24, 2019 Taxpayer advocate Francis J. "Chip" Faulkner dies at 73 
May 22, 2019 The growing abuse of Prop 2½
May 18, 2019 "Not a dime's worth of difference"?
May 12, 2019 Senate up for tax hikes
May 8, 2019 Grad Tax advances; sales tax rollback fallout
May 6, 2019 Yes on S-1776 and H-2545 - Roll Back the Sales Tax to 5% 
May 4, 2019 Those "Good Old Days"
Apr 26, 2019 House passes its $42.7 Billion budget
Apr 23, 2019 Taxes pulled from House budget debate
Apr 22, 2019 Tomorrow is Tax Freedom Day in Massachusetts (#43 nationally) 
Apr 20, 2019 All eyes on House budget debate next week
Apr 16, 2019 Today is National Tax Freedom Day – Massachusetts (#43) not for another week
Apr 13, 2019 House budget:  More spending, no tax hikes – for now
Apr 11, 2019 Jeff Jacoby:  "I Miss Barbara Anderson"
Apr 10, 2019 Memo to Revenue Committee: No to the “Fair Share Amendment” 
Apr 8, 2019 Remembering Barbara Anderson
Apr 5, 2019 “They’ve gone over the edge”
Mar 30, 2019 Tax hike schemes bloom on Beacon Hill
Mar 26, 2019 A Tale of Two Commonwealths
Mar 17, 2019 "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
Mar 11, 2019 CLT saved motorists $1.3 Billion ― just last year
Mar 6, 2019 Many Moving Pieces
Feb 28, 2019 "A billion here, a billion there"
Feb 24, 2019 Narrative Data Points
Feb 12, 2019 Best Legislature Money Can Buy caught in the act
Feb 9, 2019 Trust is the hurdle
Jan 31, 2019 Reprise of driver's licenses and "sanctuary state" for illegals
Jan 25, 2019 Baker opens the tax floodgates
Jan 23, 2019 Realtors "generally oppose" Gov's 50% real estate tax hike
Jan 22, 2019 Gov. Baker’s latest disappointment 
Jan 19, 2019 Kleptocracy thrives in The People's Republic
Jan 12, 2019 The natural culture of Bay State governance
Jan 7, 2019 2019 off to a great start for Bacon Hill pols
Dec 29, 2018 A very, very Happy & Prosperous New Year for greedy Bacon Hill pols
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