Post Office Box 408    Peabody, Massachusetts   01960     (508) 384-0100

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January - May 5, 1998

May 05, 1998 - Ruling disappoints taxpayers

May 04, 1998 - State budget: It’s big

Apr 10, 1998 - "Hiding your money again"

Apr 09, 1998 - "We are not stealing taxpayers’ money." Nope, just spending it as usual.

Mar 29, 1998 - The Difference Between a "Budget Surplus" and a "Revenue Surplus."

Mar 26, 1998 - Give Us Our Money Back

Mar 25, 1998 - Activist Blasts Bid to Block Ballot

Mar 20, 1998 - Democracy Under Siege; Right to Petition in Danger

Mar 20, 1998 - A Replay of News for Recall and Comparison

Mar 19, 1998 - CLT&G Lights the Match that Ignites Beacon Hill "Firestorm"

Mar 18, 1998 - Taxpayers of Massachusetts, What Would You Do Without Us?

Mar 13, 1998 - Finneran "Taxpayer Relief" Plan Really a Tax Increase 

Mar 12, 1998 - Barbara’s Report on "The Biggest Tax Cut in State History!"

Mar 11, 1998 - Problem with e-mail reflector straightened out

Mar 10, 1998 - "An Open Response to the Senate President"

Mar 05, 1998 - Finneran Unveils His "Tax-Cut" Plan 

Mar 04, 1998 - Chip Eats His Words / Yes, There Was a Tax Increase Last Year

Mar 03, 1998 - Ever Seen the Media Admit It Was Wrong?  It's here!

Mar 01, 1998 - State’s Secret Tax Increase Shows Face on Forms

Feb 24, 1998 - Tax Fighter Comes to the Defense of Malone

Feb 23, 1998 - Cellucci / Malone and Taxes 

Jan 29, 1998 - CLT&G Supports Gov. Cellucci Budget's Proposed Tax Cuts 

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