Citizens for Limited Taxation & Government
"The Commonwealth Activist Network"
18 Tremont Street #608 * Boston, MA 02108
Phone:(617) 248-0022 * E-Mail:
Visit our web-page at:
*** CLT&G Update ***
Wednesday, March 11, 1998

Greeting activists and supporters:

Yesterday we discovered a problem with this e-mail reflector. We learned that most (if not all!) of you haven’t been receiving the Updates. The messages I’ve been faithfully posting, to keep you up to speed with fast-moving events on Beacon Hill, apparently have been disappearing into cyberspace. Phil, who maintains our list, Karen, who with her husband Bob maintains our web-page, and I spent last night struggling with the problem and believe we now have it corrected (apparently it occurred when we recently changed over from America On Line to our own domain name server,

I assume you received yesterday’s Update (at least once; I sent it a second time later last night after discovering the problem and hopefully correcting it), in which we responded to Senate President Tom Birmingham’s smarmy letter to Barbara, Chip Faulkner and me. In it he attempts to rationalize his denial (I believe it’s called "whistling-past-the-graveyard") that the 1989 tax hike was ever intended to be temporary. You should again be receiving your regular Updates and Alerts.

As near as I can determine, you’ve missed everything I’ve sent out since March 4th. Some of it was important news on both House Speaker Tom "Imperious Maximus" Finneran’s proposed tax cut plan (CLT&G Update: March 6) that’s been fast-tracked without a hearing and will be voted on in the House later today -- only days after he introduced it—and our signature challenge before the Superior Court (Promise Update: March 7) that details the Secretary of State’s latest lame excuse attempting to thwart us. Can you believe that Galvin’s office has claimed before the court that its $3 million-a-year state Central Voter Registry computer database system (that we’ve used to locate 2,000 voters whose signatures should have been certified but weren’t) is worthless and that they are incapable of maintaining it? You’ve *got to* read that!

You can find these Updates (and all our Updates and Alerts!) at our new web-site homepage:

Thanks for your patience, thanks to those who let me know our messages weren’t getting through, and especially thanks to Phil, Karen and Bob for getting us up and chugging along again. I will now keep my fingers crossed as I hit the Send button!
Chip Ford—

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