and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation


Post Office Box 408  ●  Peabody, Massachusetts   01960  ●   (508) 384-0100

- 2004 -


CLT Commentary
by Chip Ford

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Truth in budgeting
The hidden code to breaking state budget numbers

Legislative Ratings for the 2003/o4 Session

CLT's 2˝ PAC works to change the Legislature
For the complete list of its 2004 endorsed reform candidates

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Dec 30, 2004 Out with the old, in with the new
Dec 23, 2004 Hackarama Unlimited expands with new state "law school"
Dec 21, 2004 Where would we cut? Start right now!  
Dec 21, 2004 "Sun Kings" declare "The New Versailles"
Dec 20, 2004 Upcoming stories on property tax increases  
Dec 17, 2004 Promises, promises: "Live by the sword, die by the sword"
Dec 7, 2004 On Bacon Hill it's called "income equity"
Dec 3, 2004 A bottomless hole for taxpayers to fill
Nov 30, 2004 Legislation filed by and for Citizens for Limited Taxation  
Nov 29, 2004 CLT's bills filed for the 2005-'06 session (update)
Nov 29, 2004 CLT bills filed for the 2005-06 session
Nov 24, 2004 A timeless Thanksgiving message
Nov 17, 2004 Easy come, easy go   
Nov 15, 2004 CLT's 2004 Annual Awards Brunch
Oct 30, 2004 Five reasons not to vote for state Democrats, by Barbara Anderson (Boston Globe)
Oct 26, 2004 MTF, MTA battle rages over campaigns of deception  
Oct 24, 2004 "Override Fatigue" -- MTF's words!
Oct 18, 2004 Know your enemies by their deeds
Oct 15, 2003 October Surprise Sneak-Attack on Proposition 2˝  
Oct 15, 2003 This calculated MTF report "isn't passing the sniff test"
Oct 12, 2004 Who's MTF protecting now?  
Oct 10, 2004 Big-Business Fat-Cats shill again - MTF to issue another "report" against tax rollback
Oct 7, 2004 Democracy strangled at last
Oct 5, 2004 Teachers union tries to extort taxpayers yet again
Oct 2, 2004 Another "embarrassment of riches" to squander again?
Sep 30, 2004 "I could not help it - it's my nature"
Sep 28, 2004 Finneran era ends, and continues on
Sep 27, 2004 Finneran leaves ... behind his hand-picked successor
Sep 23, 2004 Gov, reform candidates have Globe, Dems running scared
Sep 18, 2004 $429M more spending approved; Gov. vetoed $76M
Sep 17, 2004 Support or adopt a reformer
Sep 16, 2004 CLT Presents "The Super Sixty-Seven"  
Sep 13, 2004 The Boston Globe's "fiscal fantasies"
Sep 9, 2004 MTF, Boston Globe team up for higher taxes, again
Sep 8, 2004 CLT’s quest for the "unfolding strategy" on income tax rollback  
Sep 8, 2004 Searching for the "Unfolding Strategy" - Taxpayers again sandbagged by GOP legislators
Aug 31, 2004 Government still happens during the dog days of summer
Jul 23, 2004 Beacon Hill Institute responds to hatchet job column
Jul 14, 2004 Save the citizens' petition process  
Jul 13, 2004 Surplus revenue piles up: pols work to squander it, again
Jul 6, 2004 A battle of purpose and ideologies: Barbara vs. Finneran
Jul 2, 2004 Revenue pours in; while AG, state get clobbered
Jun 28, 2004 Governor Romney’s Vetoes  
Jun 26, 2004 Gov. Romney vetoes and the band plays on
Jun 22, 2004 Midsummer Madness
Jun 18, 2004 Legislature passes FY'05 budget
Jun 15, 2004 On potential U.S. Senate vacancies  
Jun 15, 2004 Supplemental Budget and income tax rollback  
Jun 14, 2004 Dems scheme to change the rules again ... because they can
Jun 11, 2004 Thank you Ronald Reagan
Jun 8, 2004 MTF Trojan Horse rolled out: Taking care of its own, again!
Jun 7, 2004 Gov's "unfreezing" tax rollback draws usual opponents  (Boston Globe "survey" on tax rollback)
May 25, 2004 Sen. Murray's thugs attack Republican challenger's family
May 24, 2004 CLT calls for cancellation of DNC convention  
May 22, 2004 Kerry drives DNC convention wreck off bridge
May 21, 2004 Democrats hijack state, declare martial law for their party
May 20, 2004 Agreed: time for treacherous RINOs to "move on"
May 19, 2004 CLT calls for new Senate Minority Leader  
May 19, 2004 Please Act Right Now!
May 18, 2004 Taxpayers sandbagged by Senate Republicans!
May 18, 2004 State budget and the Income Tax Rollback, Amendment # 777  
May 15, 2004 On bandits, blowhards and bullies
May 8, 2004 Tax-and-Spend Caucus in overdrive
May 4, 2004 CLT warms to Governor’s unfreezing of its rollback 
May 4, 2004 Gov. Romney calls for "unfreezing" tax rollback - Gimme Lobby predictably erupts
Apr 27, 2004 Income tax hike defeated ... but here come da judges, again:  "More Is Never Enough!"
Apr 26, 2004 House debate and vote on income tax hike
Apr 26, 2004 Here we go again – another tax hike, retroactive?
Apr 26, 2004 FY 2005 budget 
Apr 25, 2004 Budgets sag under sick-time buybacks - A Boston Globe investigative series
Apr 22, 2004 A "well disguised blessing" ahead for Mini-Winny?
Apr 21, 2004 Barbara Gray: In the end just another hypocritical pol
Apr 15, 2004 It's April 15th - Do you know where your tax money is?
Apr 14, 2004 Tomorrow the tax man cometh
Apr 7, 2004 We're Number 4! - Mass. 4th last to hit national Tax Freedom Day
Apr 7, 2004 Tax Freedom Day is earlier this year - Mass. 4th-latest in the nation 
Apr 5, 2004 Tax season's upon us again -- hypocrisy reigns
Apr 1, 2004 ConCon recesses without threat - while DNC convention shuts down Boston
Mar 29, 2004 Latest entry to a long constitutional amendment agenda
Mar 26, 2004 The ConCon and Initiative Petitions 
Mar 19, 2004 While our "full-time" Legislature dithers, politics happens
Mar 14, 2004 During the current political vacuum ...
Mar 6, 2004 Has anyone not had enough of this corruption yet?
Mar 4, 2004 Caution: Unscrupulous Democrats are running, scared
Mar 3, 2004 CLT blindsided by Rep. Scott Brown
Feb 27. 2004 The endless quest for tax-and-spend tactical advantage
Feb 26, 2004 Gov. vows veto of Prop 2˝ assault
Feb 25, 2004 Dem's desperately dirty Senate campaign deserves a response
Feb 24, 2004 Support for Brown Grows 
Feb 23, 2004 Raising property taxes on working families, unemployed, mid-income seniors 
Feb 19, 2004 House sneaks through Proposition 2˝ change  
Feb 19, 2004 Teachers Union grabs for more, Legislature for "seniors"
Feb 18, 2004 Hands off Prop 2˝  
Feb 16, 2004 Congratulations Winthrop taxpayers!
Feb 10, 2004 There are nine other amendments tomorrow!
Feb 9, 2004 Memo to members of the ConCon:  Don't kill voters' I&R process  
Feb 7, 2004 Initiative petition process under assault on Wednesday!
Feb 6, 2004 "Ronald Reagan Day" proclaimed in Massachusetts
Feb 5, 2004 "Of the people, by the people, for the people"? Are any "people" still believing that?
Feb 3, 2004 Real government reform is in the works
Feb 2, 2004 Is government reform possible in Taxachusetts?
Feb 1, 2004 Property tax abatement deadline: tomorrow
Jan 30, 2004 Gov. Romney's FY'05 budget greeted by usual reaction
Jan 24, 2004 The primal scream is everywhere
Jan 17, 2004 Power games and perks challenged and not
Jan 16, 2004 Another dark-of-the-night House conspiracy succeeds
Jan 15, 2004 Dems and their dependents running scared
Jan 14, 2004 "Movin’ On Up" - Taxpayers State of the State:  We’re Taxachusetts Again  
Jan 10, 2004 Fees, fees and more fees: What are we to do?
Jan 8, 2004 CLT to file bill to save communities money, too  
Jan 8, 2004 "After such vacancies shall happen"
Jan 7, 2004 SJKC rules Mass. "a government of men" and not "of laws"
Jan 6, 2004 "Revenue's rising, so let's spend more ... because we can!"
Jan 5, 2004 CLT Poll:  99.6% opposed to new state taxes  
Jan 3, 2004 Scheming Senate Democrats plot to steal election
2003 Index

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