Office Box 408 ● Peabody, Massachusetts
01960 ● (508) 384-0100
- 2004 -
CLT Commentary |
Truth in budgeting |
Legislative Ratings for the 2003/o4 Session |
Dec 30, 2004 | Out with the old, in with the new |
Dec 23, 2004 | Hackarama Unlimited expands with new state "law school" |
Dec 21, 2004 | Where would we cut? Start right now! |
Dec 21, 2004 | "Sun Kings" declare "The New Versailles" |
Dec 20, 2004 | Upcoming stories on property tax increases |
Dec 17, 2004 | Promises, promises: "Live by the sword, die by the sword" |
Dec 7, 2004 | On Bacon Hill it's called "income equity" |
Dec 3, 2004 | A bottomless hole for taxpayers to fill |
Nov 30, 2004 | Legislation filed by and for Citizens for Limited Taxation |
Nov 29, 2004 | CLT's bills filed for the 2005-'06 session (update) |
Nov 29, 2004 | CLT bills filed for the 2005-06 session |
Nov 24, 2004 | A timeless Thanksgiving message |
Nov 17, 2004 | Easy come, easy go |
Nov 15, 2004 | CLT's 2004 Annual Awards Brunch |
Oct 30, 2004 | Five reasons not to vote for state Democrats, by Barbara Anderson (Boston Globe) |
Oct 26, 2004 | MTF, MTA battle rages over campaigns of deception |
Oct 24, 2004 | "Override Fatigue" -- MTF's words! |
Oct 18, 2004 | Know your enemies by their deeds |
Oct 15, 2003 | October Surprise Sneak-Attack on Proposition 2˝ |
Oct 15, 2003 | This calculated MTF report "isn't passing the sniff test" |
Oct 12, 2004 | Who's MTF protecting now? |
Oct 10, 2004 | Big-Business Fat-Cats shill again - MTF to issue another "report" against tax rollback |
Oct 7, 2004 | Democracy strangled at last |
Oct 5, 2004 | Teachers union tries to extort taxpayers yet again |
Oct 2, 2004 | Another "embarrassment of riches" to squander again? |
Sep 30, 2004 | "I could not help it - it's my nature" |
Sep 28, 2004 | Finneran era ends, and continues on |
Sep 27, 2004 | Finneran leaves ... behind his hand-picked successor |
Sep 23, 2004 | Gov, reform candidates have Globe, Dems running scared |
Sep 18, 2004 | $429M more spending approved; Gov. vetoed $76M |
Sep 17, 2004 | Support or adopt a reformer |
Sep 16, 2004 | CLT Presents "The Super Sixty-Seven" |
Sep 13, 2004 | The Boston Globe's "fiscal fantasies" |
Sep 9, 2004 | MTF, Boston Globe team up for higher taxes, again |
Sep 8, 2004 | CLT’s quest for the "unfolding strategy" on income tax rollback |
Sep 8, 2004 | Searching for the "Unfolding Strategy" - Taxpayers again sandbagged by GOP legislators |
Aug 31, 2004 | Government still happens during the dog days of summer |
Jul 23, 2004 | Beacon Hill Institute responds to hatchet job column |
Jul 14, 2004 | Save the citizens' petition process |
Jul 13, 2004 | Surplus revenue piles up: pols work to squander it, again |
Jul 6, 2004 | A battle of purpose and ideologies: Barbara vs. Finneran |
Jul 2, 2004 | Revenue pours in; while AG, state get clobbered |
Jun 28, 2004 | Governor Romney’s Vetoes |
Jun 26, 2004 | Gov. Romney vetoes and the band plays on |
Jun 22, 2004 | Midsummer Madness |
Jun 18, 2004 | Legislature passes FY'05 budget |
Jun 15, 2004 | On potential U.S. Senate vacancies |
Jun 15, 2004 | Supplemental Budget and income tax rollback |
Jun 14, 2004 | Dems scheme to change the rules again ... because they can |
Jun 11, 2004 | Thank you Ronald Reagan |
Jun 8, 2004 | MTF Trojan Horse rolled out: Taking care of its own, again! |
Jun 7, 2004 | Gov's "unfreezing" tax rollback draws usual opponents (Boston Globe "survey" on tax rollback) |
May 25, 2004 | Sen. Murray's thugs attack Republican challenger's family |
May 24, 2004 | CLT calls for cancellation of DNC convention |
May 22, 2004 | Kerry drives DNC convention wreck off bridge |
May 21, 2004 | Democrats hijack state, declare martial law for their party |
May 20, 2004 | Agreed: time for treacherous RINOs to "move on" |
May 19, 2004 | CLT calls for new Senate Minority Leader |
May 19, 2004 | Please Act Right Now! |
May 18, 2004 | Taxpayers sandbagged by Senate Republicans! |
May 18, 2004 | State budget and the Income Tax Rollback, Amendment # 777 |
May 15, 2004 | On bandits, blowhards and bullies |
May 8, 2004 | Tax-and-Spend Caucus in overdrive |
May 4, 2004 | CLT warms to Governor’s unfreezing of its rollback |
May 4, 2004 | Gov. Romney calls for "unfreezing" tax rollback - Gimme Lobby predictably erupts |
Apr 27, 2004 | Income tax hike defeated ... but here come da judges, again: "More Is Never Enough!" |
Apr 26, 2004 | House debate and vote on income tax hike |
Apr 26, 2004 | Here we go again – another tax hike, retroactive? |
Apr 26, 2004 | FY 2005 budget |
Apr 25, 2004 | Budgets sag under sick-time buybacks - A Boston Globe investigative series |
Apr 22, 2004 | A "well disguised blessing" ahead for Mini-Winny? |
Apr 21, 2004 | Barbara Gray: In the end just another hypocritical pol |
Apr 15, 2004 | It's April 15th - Do you know where your tax money is? |
Apr 14, 2004 | Tomorrow the tax man cometh |
Apr 7, 2004 | We're Number 4! - Mass. 4th last to hit national Tax Freedom Day |
Apr 7, 2004 | Tax Freedom Day is earlier this year - Mass. 4th-latest in the nation |
Apr 5, 2004 | Tax season's upon us again -- hypocrisy reigns |
Apr 1, 2004 | ConCon recesses without threat - while DNC convention shuts down Boston |
Mar 29, 2004 | Latest entry to a long constitutional amendment agenda |
Mar 26, 2004 | The ConCon and Initiative Petitions |
Mar 19, 2004 | While our "full-time" Legislature dithers, politics happens |
Mar 14, 2004 | During the current political vacuum ... |
Mar 6, 2004 | Has anyone not had enough of this corruption yet? |
Mar 4, 2004 | Caution: Unscrupulous Democrats are running, scared |
Mar 3, 2004 | CLT blindsided by Rep. Scott Brown |
Feb 27. 2004 | The endless quest for tax-and-spend tactical advantage |
Feb 26, 2004 | Gov. vows veto of Prop 2˝ assault |
Feb 25, 2004 | Dem's desperately dirty Senate campaign deserves a response |
Feb 24, 2004 | Support for Brown Grows |
Feb 23, 2004 | Raising property taxes on working families, unemployed, mid-income seniors |
Feb 19, 2004 | House sneaks through Proposition 2˝ change |
Feb 19, 2004 | Teachers Union grabs for more, Legislature for "seniors" |
Feb 18, 2004 | Hands off Prop 2˝ |
Feb 16, 2004 | Congratulations Winthrop taxpayers! |
Feb 10, 2004 | There are nine other amendments tomorrow! |
Feb 9, 2004 | Memo to members of the ConCon: Don't kill voters' I&R process |
Feb 7, 2004 | Initiative petition process under assault on Wednesday! |
Feb 6, 2004 | "Ronald Reagan Day" proclaimed in Massachusetts |
Feb 5, 2004 | "Of the people, by the people, for the people"? Are any "people" still believing that? |
Feb 3, 2004 | Real government reform is in the works |
Feb 2, 2004 | Is government reform possible in Taxachusetts? |
Feb 1, 2004 | Property tax abatement deadline: tomorrow |
Jan 30, 2004 | Gov. Romney's FY'05 budget greeted by usual reaction |
Jan 24, 2004 | The primal scream is everywhere |
Jan 17, 2004 | Power games and perks challenged and not |
Jan 16, 2004 | Another dark-of-the-night House conspiracy succeeds |
Jan 15, 2004 | Dems and their dependents running scared |
Jan 14, 2004 | "Movin’ On Up" - Taxpayers State of the State: We’re Taxachusetts Again |
Jan 10, 2004 | Fees, fees and more fees: What are we to do? |
Jan 8, 2004 | CLT to file bill to save communities money, too |
Jan 8, 2004 | "After such vacancies shall happen" |
Jan 7, 2004 | SJKC rules Mass. "a government of men" and not "of laws" |
Jan 6, 2004 | "Revenue's rising, so let's spend more ... because we can!" |
Jan 5, 2004 | CLT Poll: 99.6% opposed to new state taxes |
Jan 3, 2004 | Scheming Senate Democrats plot to steal election |
2003 Index | CLT Updates and Alerts! -- 2003 Archive |
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A Promise to Keep: 5% 2000 ballot campaign
Dec 1997 - Apr 1998 (A Promise to Keep: 5%)
Aug - Dec 1997 (A Promise to Keep: 5%)