and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation


Post Office Box 408  ●  Peabody, Massachusetts   01960  ●   (508) 384-0100

- 2003 -


CLT Commentary
by Chip Ford

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Dec 31, 2003 Looking back, looking forward, looks the same, unless ...
Dec 26, 2003 Politics takes no holiday respite
Dec 19, 2003 They "can't fool all of the people all of the time"
Dec 17, 2003 Kriss hammered again for daring to speak the obvious
Dec 16, 2003 MTF now defends costly union monopoly
Dec 15, 2003 Revenue climbing, residents bailing out, Big Dig party spiked
Dec 5, 2003 Boston DNC Convention: Anatomy of an inevitable taxpayer mugging
Dec 1, 2003 MTF correctly ID'd by Springfield newspaper ... even if my mistake
Nov 28, 2003 "The Legislature really has no shame" nor does MTA
Nov 26, 2003 Thanksgiving: MTF exposed again
Nov 25, 2003 National teachers union investigated by IRS: Is MTA and MTF next?
Nov 19, 2003 "Best Legislature Money Can Buy" serves up our latest constitutional crisis
Nov 18, 2003 "Absolutely, positively guaranteed, under law"
Nov 15, 2003 "Winny" to the rescue, again!
Nov 13, 2003 Another "fee" ruled an illegal tax: Beacon Hill tax hike scam further exposed
Nov 10. 2003 Another "high hack holiday" fills the legislative void
Nov 5, 2003 CLT recommendations on the Senate's economic stimulus package 
Nov 2, 2003 MTF: the definition incarnate of "narrow special interest"
Oct 29, 2003 MTF forced to out itself in desperation
Oct 28, 2003 S.1827, The People’s Income Tax Rate Rollback  
Oct 26, 2003 Tax holiday proposed; but bogus tax hike study arrives
Oct 25, 2003 Halloween PC is real spooky
Oct 24, 2003 CLT's annual dinner a great success!
Oct 23, 2003 Vultures circling for the kill already
Oct 22, 2003 CLT awards "Tell the truth and shame the devil" award to Eric Kriss  
Oct 22, 2003 MTF cheers on Olympic distance runner Romney
Oct 20, 2003 Romney: reformer or enabler?
Oct 18, 2003 Like Social Security, the societal balance of trade is shifting
Oct 14, 2003 Tax hike hearing, while pols cadge Sox tickets  
Oct 9, 2003 Robin Hood revisited
Oct 8, 2003 Governor Romney’s veto of the Cambridge Graduated Property Tax Hike 
Oct 6, 2003 State's profligate pension system busting the budget
Sep 23, 2003 Barbara Anderson to receive Lifetime Achievement Award
Sep 20, 2003 Our Sen. Kennedy again a national embarrassment: ABC News "fact check" devastates partisan charge
Sep 19, 2003 7th highest state pension debt - with MTF's help aiming for #1?
Sep 16, 2003 CLT quietly wins one with Romney
Sep 6, 2003 How bad is the state's pork barrel pension system?
Sep 5, 2003 "Aztlan" invades US - taxpayers fund its army Sen. Kerry News Release on BBA -
Aug 31, 2003 The Bacon Hill culture of entitlement
Aug 27, 2003 CLT looks into illegal fees
Aug 16, 2003 Beacon Hill Institute rates municipal voters' will to pay more taxes
Aug 7, 2003 Smokers stalked by tax headhunters; 11 petitions filed by deadline
Aug 5, 2003 CLT requests equal treatment in fundraising from OCPF  
Jul 21, 2003 Summertime clean-up
Jul 20, 2003 "Life, liberty and property" are safe ... for a while!
Jul 19, 2003 Finneran's Fury proves power corrupts absolutely
Jul 18, 2003 Democracy won; Finneran zero
Jul 16, 2003 Can democracy return to Massachusetts?
Jul 15, 2003 In Mass. the more things remain the same, the worse they become
Jul 14, 2003 Finneran obfuscates, dissembles and lies on Keller program
Jul 12, 2003 Finneran or Democracy: which will reign supreme?
Jul 11, 2003 "'Fiscal crisis' ends" as Bacon Hill patronage defies vetoes
Jul 10, 2003 CLT battles to save democracy for future generations
Jul 9, 2003 CLT Memo to the Legislature - Finneran’s Pay-Raise Power-Grab 
Jul 9, 2003 Finneran's imperial edict enforced
Jul 8, 2003 Finneran to make his power-grab move
Joint CLT/Common Cause/CPPAX Memo to House Members 
Jul 8, 2003 Proposition 2˝ survives intact
Jul 7, 2003 Memo to legislators on veto overrides ... and a "delicious" life indeed 
Jul 5, 2003 Teachers union's failing override strategy exposed
Jul 3, 2003 "What goes around comes around"
Jul 2, 2003 Finneran Power-Grab teetering at the precipice
Jul 1, 2003 Rampant hypocrisy revealed after Romney's budget vetoes
Jun 28, 2003 Finneran power-grab seeks to hire and fire, state rep admits
Jun 27, 2003 Democracy ... or "Finneran Rules"?
Jun 25, 2003 CLT recommends local budget savings  
Jun 25, 2003 Finneran (More) Power Grab: end of representative democracy and balance of power 
Jun 24, 2003 Mass. Teachers Association -- flushed down the toilet
Jun 22, 2003 Teachers union dogs tax hike, by any and all means
Jun 19, 2003 Budget slated to be finalized today / Seat belt law horror story
Jun 17, 2003 Gov to veto Finneran's power grab?
Jun 17, 2003 Memo to the Governor - Requested vetoes or send-backs
Jun 16, 2003 "When teacher's out"  - by the Lawrence Eagle Tribune
Jun 16, 2003 Is Romney about to surrender his veto power?
Jun 13, 2003 Attack on Proposition 2˝ ... Part 2  
Jun 13, 2003 Press snoozed through Prop 2˝ mugging
Jun 12, 2003 Threat to property taxpayers slinks on as media sleeps
Jun 11, 2003 Attack on Proposition 2˝: Overlay Exclusion will increase property taxes ... 
Jun 11, 2003 Proposition 2˝ under increasing attack
Jun 11, 2003 Proposition 2˝ and the Overlay Account attack: A Primer for the uninitiated
Jun 10, 2003 A Legislature out of control ... or is it? (and 3 CLT Memos)  
Jun 9, 2003 New poll: "Only a third of voters favor tax increase"
Jun 8, 2003 Being right again, then and now
Jun 5, 2003 Overlay exclusion from Proposition 2˝ - Enough already with the overrides 
Jun 5, 2003 "Objective" polls and more new taxes
Jun 3, 2003 Court rules prescription "fee" a tax; kills it
Jun 1, 2003 Legislature's "outside sections" scam rolls on, and on ...
May 30, 2003 Celebrating two big wins ... and moving
May 29, 2003 Lightning strikes twice on mandatory seat belt law expansion
May 28, 2003 Fees and perennial safety nannies are back!
May 26, 2003 The misinformed, deceptive and greedy
May 26, 2003 Memo to Sen. Steven Panagiotakos charging him with false statements about CLT
May 23, 2003 Taxes disguised as "fees" get scrutiny
May 22, 2003 Senate budget, taxes disguised as "fees"  
May 22, 2003 Fee-and-Spenders run wild on Bacon Hills
May 21, 2003 What's truly at stake in budget 'cuts' - A Boston Globe column by Barbara Anderson
May 19, 2003 Prop 2˝ override pass/fail rates are only conjecture
May 18, 2003 CLT vs. Sen. Rosenberg: Battling op-eds
May 17, 2003 "Where would you cut?" Start with these Eagle-Tribune solutions
May 16, 2003 Revolution is in the air
May 14, 2003 Taxpayers continue sending a powerful message
May 10, 2003 House passes budget; supports business-as-usual
May 8, 2003 Big Prop 2˝ overrides go down at polls
May 7, 2003 Borrowing the state out of debt is back on the table
May 5, 2003 Legislature plotting "dangerous strategy" for looming tax hikes?
May 3, 2003 Taxpayers finally win one
Apr 30, 2003 Talk-host legend Jerry Williams passes away / House votes on tax hikes today
Apr 27, 2003 Reform and respect: If not now, when?
Apr 26, 2003 "Tax hikes are back on table"
Apr 25, 2003 Just say no to "kick me again" tax-hike signs
Apr 24, 2003 CLT memo to House - Re: Ways & Means Committee budget 
Apr 24, 2003 "No New Taxes" answers Boston Globe question
Apr 23, 2003 Beacon Hill 'Marching Season' arrives on schedule
Apr 22, 2003 Pioneer Institute News Release: "Pioneer Calls for Major Budget Reforms"
Apr 22, 2003 Mass. next-to-last in wait for Tax Freedom Day
Apr 22, 2003 1990 Citizens Liquidity Trust (CLT ) Bonds proposal (A Blast from the Past!)
Apr 21, 2003 Dem's/MTF's solution: Borrow the state out of debt?
Apr 19, 2003 Deceptive tax hike strategy further exposed
Apr 18, 2003 Easter Bunny next to support tax hike plot?
Apr 17, 2003 The only thing clear is their game plan
Apr 16, 2003 Proposed tax hikes are coming, as predicted! 
Apr 14, 2003 CLT's first-in-nation "Tax Me More" fund a winner ... as they go
Apr 13, 2003 Predicted tax hike game plan solidifies
Apr 12, 2003 Tax hikes, pay raises, and Chip's response to the Globe
Apr 12, 2003 Communitarianism: A proven failure, by Chip Ford (response to a Boston Globe editorial)
Apr 11, 2003 Report on the Committee on Election Laws hearing
Apr 10, 2003 CLT memo to the Committee on Election Laws 
Apr 10, 2003 Action needed now to save our right to the initiative petition process
Apr 10, 2003 Senate 362 – An attempt to kill the citizens initiative 
Apr 9, 2003 Always being right is sometimes a curse
Apr 8, 2003 MTF's Widmer provides "personal opinion" to task force: Hike the sales tax by 20%!
Apr 7, 2003 CLT Memo to the House Revenue Task Force 
Apr 7, 2003 MTF exposed, as tax opposition among public steady
Apr 4, 2003 War and fiscal crisis deflect attention from plot to kill initiative petition process
Apr 2, 2003 Schizophrenia: The official state disease?
Apr 1, 2003 Boston Globe, Gimme Lobby have misplaced priorities
Mar 30, 2003 Jill Stein's rich friends "aren't paying their fair share of taxes"
Mar 29, 2003 Tax hike strategy becomes clear
Mar 26, 2003 Who speaks for us?
Mar 24, 2003 Trying to make sense of the sales tax
Mar 22, 2003 What a week it's been
Mar 20, 2003 CLT’s Voluntary Income Tax Check-off ...
Mar 19, 2003 Hip-deep was time to stop
Mar 18, 2003 "Fees" exposed as taxes
Mar 17, 2003 Freedom for Gerry Amirault again denied
Mar 13, 2003 Finneran:  "Stop me before we spend again!"
Mar 12, 2003 Das Kapitalists provide a Marx legacy
Mar 11, 2003 Is TEAM's lobbyist a lobbyist? Depends on what the definition of "is" is!
Mar 10, 2003 345-and-counting check-off voluntary tax
Mar 8, 2003 Fading mayors predictably fight last year's battle
Mar 6. 2003 The more things change, the more they remain the same ... only worse
Mar 5, 2003 Tax hikes, "fee" increases and the Blue Wall
Mar 3, 2003 Shocked, shocked - overspending created "fiscal crisis"!
Feb 28, 2003 Romney's budget: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Feb 27, 2003 Romney budget: Good news, bad news
Feb 26, 2003 Welcome "Common Sense for the Commonwealth"
Feb 25, 2003 "Overspending Crisis" has run its day
Feb 24, 2003 Fat Cat MTF decrees Romney plan doomed
Feb 23, 2003 Tax Everything And More sticks
Feb 20, 2003 TEAM would make Joey Bishop proud
Feb 17, 2003 MTF pushes sales tax hike on average taxpayers, exempts its Fat Cat members
Feb 15, 2003 Patronage rages on as tax hikes, borrowing are advanced
Feb 13, 2003 Making progress exposing MTF
Feb 11, 2003 "Where would you cut?" is the wrong question
Feb 10, 2003 Tax hikes? They'd better look over their shoulders first!
Feb 9, 2003 20 so far chose CLT's voluntary tax check-off
Feb 6, 2003 An old act revisited
Feb 5, 2003 CLT Memo to House Republicans - CLT News Release 
Feb 5, 2003 MTF fires up Finneran's Tax Hike Express
Feb 4, 2003 As the deficit burns, Finneran diddles
Feb 3, 2003 Teachers union "sharing the pain" with tax hike call
Feb 2, 2003 Be careful what you wish for!
Jan 31, 2003 "Bodies and Blood" has returned!
Jan 30, 2003 CLT News Advisory & Update 
Jan 26, 2003 CLT activists actively in the news
Jan 24, 2003 "Let those advocating return to conscription be first on the front lines," By Barbara Anderson
Jun 28, 1992 'The Draft' is a misguided program in a free society, by Chip Ford  (A CLT Flashback)
Jan 24, 2003 Another tax increase and Campaign '04 begins
Jan 23, 2003 Another "blended approach" tax hike plotted
Jan 22, 2003 As exposed mayors whine, taxpayers say "no more!"
Jan 18, 2003 The fiscal fallout continues
Jan 17, 2003 The inevitable shake-out has finally arrived
Jan 15, 2003 "An embarrassment of riches" goes public
Jan 14, 2003 Finneran's letter to Gov. Romney re: 9C powers ... 
Jan 14, 2003 CLT announces first joint Village Idiots Award: Reps. Binienda and Rogers
Jan 11, 2003 Mayors whine as Romney acts
Jan 10, 2003 On the pay raise, Boston Globe stands alone
Jan 9, 2003 House takes the money and runs, of course
Jan 8, 2003 "The Best Legislature Money Can Buy" hesitates
Jan 7, 2003 The Great Depression II pay grab
Jan 6, 2003 "An Embarrassment of Riches" has ended
Jan 5, 2003 It's time to "freeze" legislative salaries 
Jan 4, 2002 Hold legislators' salaries harmless for now
Jan 2, 2003 We move ahead
Dec 30, 2002 My New Year's Resolution
Dec 28, 2002 Another pay raise -- enough's enough!  (History of the Automatic Legislative Pay Raise)
Dec 27, 2002 CLT looking forward to 2003 
Dec 26, 2002 "A middle-finger salute" to Beacon Hill
2002 Index

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