and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation


Limited Taxation

Post Office Box 408 9 Peabody, Massachusetts 01960 9 Email: 9 Website:
Barbara Anderson (508) 384-0100
9 Chip Ford (781) 631-6842 9 Chip Faulkner (508) 384-0100

State Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
State House, Room 218
Boston, MA 02133

Re: Your false statements
May 26, 2003

During your broadcast appearance yesterday on Jon Keller's "Talking Politics" program you made false statements concerning CLT's position on "fees" and charged that we only criticize Democrats when they propose "fees" that are in truth taxes. You asserted that we don't criticize Governor Romney's similar proposals, that we only attack Democrats. You also falsely stated that CLT defines fees as taxes and taxes as fees, interchangeable.

You are sadly uninformed. With a quick visit to our website, or perusal of Barbara Anderson's weekly columns in both the Salem News ... and your hometown newspaper, THE LOWELL SUN ... you could have better prepared before embarrassing yourself in front of Keller's audience.

For your convenience, I've included below a few excerpts and sources from CLT's past public statements which clearly contradict your false assertions. I hope it helps make you a more informed spokesman for the Legislature.

We will graciously accept your public apology when you recognize the extent of your false charges, intentional or otherwise.

Chip Ford
Director of Operations
Citizens for Limited Taxation
(781) 631-6842

Romney should also be repealing those taxes on nursing-home self-payers and pharmacies, which are utterly devoid of common sense; instead of talking about taxing health insurance companies and hospitals, which makes no sense at all.

Column by Barbara Anderson - February 28, 2003
Finally, someone willing to shake up the status quo

THE BAD (by Barbara Anderson)

You know how much CLT dislikes the new Swift/Legislative tax on self-paying nursing home beds and prescription drugs. Unfortunately, Gov. Romney's budget expands this "fee" concept with "fees" on health insurers, and if this works may go farther with "fees" on hospitals.

We are trying to find someone in the Administration who can make sense of this. We understand that by using the money for Medicaid, they hope to get it half-reimbursed by the federal government. But in the end, someone who is a responsible citizen (paying his own nursing home bill, for his own prescriptions, paying for health insurance) or providing these essential services is paying for a benefit to someone else, and getting no special service in return.

This makes the "fee" a tax; a tax on personal responsibility. And there is no end to where this concept can go. A tax on your root canal bill, to pay for someone who can't afford dental care? On your car repair bill, to pay for state car repairs? We have to stop this before it becomes an epidemic.

CLT Update - February 28, 2003
Romney's budget: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Governor Mitt Romney is raising fees on the use of state golf courses. Setting aside the absurdity of having government golf courses in the first place, it's fair to ask golfers to pay for the cost of maintaining these facilities rather than expecting taxpayers to subsidize them. This is a true fee.

But Governor Romney is also creating a new "user fee" of $150,000 on health insurers to help pay for Medicaid -- the state healthcare service for the poor or for people who make themselves appear poor by hiding their money with their kids.

Column by Barbara Anderson - March 7, 2003
Romney calls them 'fees,' but for most they feel like a tax

Now comes Gov. Romney's proposed "assessment" on health insurance for those who pay for their own, to further fund the ballooning state Medicaid budget. That's estimated to cost each of us paying for our own health insurance an additional $30 a year when the cost is passed on to us, as costs to business always must be.

Mitt Romney, a successful businessman before being elected governor, surely understands this reality -- doesn't he?

But he now also wants to charge higher tuition to those students who pay, to provide more financial aid to those who don't.

Apparently "assessments," "fees," and other income redistribution sleights of hand are working so well, have taken root firmly enough, that Republican governor Mitt Romney is comfortable expanding the socialist scheme on a regular basis. What part of income redistribution is he missing?

CLT Update - March 12, 2003
Das Kapitalists provide a Marx legacy

So now they're going to take $700 million more from us in dubious "fees" and "assessments" -- even Governor Romney has gotten into this word game with, among other things, a 2.5¢ per gallon gas tax increase disguised as an environmental "assessment." But still that's not enough. Some are determined to push for yet another huge tax hike.

CLT Update - April 25, 2003
Just say no to "kick me again" tax-hike signs

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