and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation


Wednesday, June 25, 2003

CLT recommends local budget savings

– MEMO –

To:  Members of the General Court
June 25, 2003

CLT recommends local budget savings

We anticipate that the Governor will veto the Overlay exclusion from Prop 2½, a tax increase in the Municipal Relief bill. We hope that you will vote to sustain this veto.

As House Minority Leader Brad Jones said during debate on this amendment to the municipal package, cities and towns can seek an override for the amount of money in the overlay account, so this exclusion is unnecessary. At that time, they can make their complicated arguments as to why they think voters should approve this, while telling them how they plan to spend the money.

But we have another suggestion for getting the money for local services. The Eagle-Tribune Publishing Company has published a dramatic series on public school teacher absenteeism, which often takes place on Fridays, Mondays, and the days before and after a holiday. The series concluded that $1 billion a year statewide is spent for substitute teachers.

Instead of complaining about cuts in local aid, advocating state tax increases for more local aid, and supporting the Overlay exclusion from Proposition 2½, local officials would do well to address this serious abuse of sick leave. The Legislature can help by giving the cities and towns line-item authority over the school budget, so that salary accounts can be controlled and school committees can’t cut direct services to children instead of addressing absenteeism.

You can be connected to the series through the CLT website; we hope you will read it, then vote to preserve Proposition 2½.

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