Post Office Box 408    Peabody, Massachusetts   01960     (508) 384-0100

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- 1999 -

Dec 28, 1999 State "Awash" with $$ but still "Not Enough"
Dec 17, 1999 Elitist TV News Anchor Spurns Tax Rollback
Dec 16, 1999 It's Official: We Succeeded ... Big Time!
Dec 07, 1999 TEAM's Jimmy St. George Whines Foul
Dec 06, 1999 Registry Fees Still Up for Grabs
Dec 05, 1999 Unwinding the Spin
Dec 04. 1999 Petition Drive Follow-Up
Dec 03, 1999 Tax Rollback Petition Signature Totals (By City/Town-County)
Dec 02, 1999 Parting Shots from Yesterday's Petition Delivery
Nov 29, 1999 The Campaign of Caterwauling has Commenced
Nov 27, 1999 Tax Rollback Petition:  "The Biggest Harvest of Signatures"
Nov 21, 1999 Tax Cut Petition "May Be Assured Ballot Spot"
Nov 19, 1999 Big Boston Blitz - The Final Weekend to Get Signatures!
Nov 18, 1999 Petition Drive Deadline Met
Nov 17, 1999 Today is the Petition Drive Deadline!
Nov 16, 1999 We've Got'em Running Scared
Nov 15, 1999 "Imperious Maximus Must Eat His Words ... Already!
Nov 12, 1999 The Initiative Petition Process: Under Assault
Nov 11, 1999 Legislators' Greed-Play Put On Hold - "Raise Our Pay By Cutting Tax"
Nov 10, 1999 On Bacon Hill Shameless Arrogance Again Raises its Ugly Head
Nov 09, 1999 Legislators Make Another Money Grab for Themselves
Nov 01, 1999 Overconfidence Stalks Drive as "Petition Bids Face Tougher Scrutiny"
Oct 29, 1999 Statewide Malls Weekend - Locations to Sign the Petition
Oct 24, 1999 Spending Juggernaut Rolls On - Eagle-Tribune & Petition Drive Update
Oct 21, 1999 Tobacco Settlement Arrives Soon - Taxpayers to be Reimbursed Zip
Oct 18, 1999 "Our Year-Round Do-Nothing Legislature" Strikes Again
Oct 14, 1999 State Budget Agreement Reached: Taxpayers Trampled Again
Oct 13, 1999 Following Union's Example, Teacher Takes Greed to New Heights
Oct 09, 1999 Rapacious Teachers Union is "Asking Too Much" - Lawrence Eagle-Tribune
Oct 04, 1999 Force Them to Keep a Promise - Lawrence Eagle-Tribune
Oct 02, 1999 Taxfighters Off to an Early Start - Lawrence Eagle-Tribune
Sep 24, 1999 Petition Drive Progress Report #1
Sep 09, 1999 Blinded by Greed, Rep. Haley Still Doesn't Get It
Sep 08, 1999 Study Claims Tax Cut Crucial to State's Future
Sep 02, 1999 CLT-Cellucci Tax Rollback Petition Clears AG
Aug 25, 1999 Gov. Cellucci Provides Third Interim Budget as Legislature Fiddles
Aug 20, 1999 Telegram & Gazette: "A Promise Unkept" and "Spend, Spend, Spend"
Aug 08, 1999 'Surplus' Was Our Money - The Eagle-Tribune
Aug 06, 1999 Legislature Spends Taxpayers' $600 Million Tax Over-Payment ... Surprise!
Aug 05, 1999 TEAM's St. George Fails to Fill Braude's Shoes ... Again
Aug 04, 1999 CLT, Governor, Files "Keep the Promise" Tax Rollback Petition
Jul 29, 1999 Sen. President Birmingham: Sometimes he gets it; Sometimes he don't
Jul 28, 1999 Registry Fee Increases "KO'd"
Jul 23, 1999 Calling the Cops May Tax Your Phone Bill
Jul 19, 1999 Shutting Down a Cash Cow - The Eagle-Tribune
Jul 17, 1999 SJKC Targeting a Rollback of Democracy?
Jul 16, 1999 Today's SJKC Decision on the Initiative Petition Process  
Jul 15, 1999 What Editorials Around the State are Saying
Jul 14, 1999 CLT's "UnHappy 10th Birthday" Party a Success!
Jul 13, 1999 Invitation to the 10th Unhappy Birthday Party for the "Temporary" Tax
Jul 12, 1999 Memo to Legislators:  "CLT Will Go Back To Court"
Jul 10, 1999 Selfish Special Interests Support Fee Increases
Jul 09, 1999 CLT Says "No!" to Rapacious Legislature
Jul 08, 1999 Highway Robbery Becomes Stick-up as Legislators Pick Our Pockets Deeper
Jun 30, 1999 Highway Robbery - Senate Plots $100 Million Registry Money Grab
Jun 29, 1999 Roll it Back; Income Tax Relief Should be in Budget
Jun 28, 1999 Taxation Committee, MTF, Propose Illegal Fees  
Jun 25, 1999 As Revenue Piles Up, Calls for More Taxes Echo
Jun 23, 1999 Chip Ford's Testimony before the Taxation Committee on CLT's Bill for Return of the "Tobacco Settlement" Reimbursement to the Taxpayers (S.1635)
Jun 22, 1999 Minuteman Gets Nod in Massachusetts for Quarter Backside
Jun 21, 1999 Selfish Unions Gear Up to Defeat Promised Tax Cut
Jun 15. 1999 Barbara Gets Howard Jarvis Lifetime Taxfighter Award at NTU Washington Conference!
Jun 04, 1999 Senate Strives to Squander Surplus
Jun 03, 1999 Political Greed: From Simply Disguting to Outright Obscene
Jun 02, 1999 Deal with the Devil -- or the Legislature -- and Get Burned
May 20, 1999 CLT's 25th Anniversary Banquet
May 17, 1999 Chip Ford's Speech at GOAL's "Rally for Our Rights" on Boston Common
May 16, 1999 CLT to Honor Jacoby, Keller at 25th Anniversary Banquet - SHNS
May 11, 1999 Tax Freedom Day: "Feelin' That Tax Bite" - A Boston Herald Editorial
May 10, 1999 House Tax "Cut" is Bad Economics - A Boston Herald Editorial
May 07, 1999 Tax "Credits" to Steal Tax Cut? - SJKC to Rule on Petition Process
Apr 30, 1999 The Beacon Hill Mindset - A Boston Herald Editorial
Apr 29, 1999 The Promise Remains Broken - House Votes to Cut Only to  5.75%
Apr 28, 1999 House Debate on Income Tax Cut - SHNS
Apr 28, 1999 Boston Herald: "Promises Must Be Kept"
Apr 27, 1999 Can You Keep a Promise? - Memo to the House of Representatives
Apr 26, 1999 The Promise and the Nebbishes - Memo to the House of Representatives
Apr 22, 1999 Patriot Ledger Commentary: "Return to 5% Income Tax Long Overdue," By Ingrid Shaffer
Apr 21, 1999 Eagle-Tribune: "Keep the Heat on Beacon Hill" - Boston Herald: "Yes, We Do Want Tax Cuts"
Apr 16, 1999 Birmingham, Finneran, Cellucci Stake Out Tax Cut Positions
Apr 15, 1999 CLT Defends the Initiative-Referendum Process
Apr 07, 1999 CLT Finds One Honest State Attorney General
Apr 01, 1999 Report on the Taxation Committee Hearing
Mar 31, 1999 Taxation Committee Today to Hear CLT Tax Rollback Bill  
Mar 12, 1999 Mass. Gets Additional $359 Million Reimbursement
Mar 10, 1999 Mass. - Rights Gone but Reenactments Safe
Mar 05, 1999 "Pigs Are Flying"!  N.H. House Votes for State Income Tax
Mar 04, 1999 "Embarrassment of Riches" Continues to Pile Up: February Revenue Growth Begs for Tax Rate Cut
Mar 02, 1999 CLT's Contribution to Finneran's "Culture Basket"  
Mar 01, 1999 Millions for Spending, Not One Cent for Tax Cuts?
Feb 26, 1999 Economists Say "Temper State Spending"
Feb 18, 1999 Towns "Rolling in Cash" to Get More Before Tax Cut
Feb 09, 1999 "Tobacco Windfall Must Be Spent Wisely," Salem Evening News
Feb 05, 1999 More Is Never Enough - Legislator Says Spend the Surplus
Feb 02, 1999 January Revenue Growth Begs for Tax Rate Cut
Feb 01, 1999 "Money to Burn, None to Return" - (Lawrence) Eagle-Tribune
Jan 30, 1999 "Tobacco Settlement" Project #1 - Background
Jan 29, 1999 Momentum Slowing for Tax Cuts on Beacon Hill
Jan 28, 1999 "Tobacco Settlement" Reimbursement  
Jan 27, 1999 The Gov's Proposed Budget: Analysis by Barbara Anderson
Jan 26, 1999 "It's Time to Keep the Promise" - (Lawrence) Eagle-Tribune
Jan 21, 1999 In Mass. "The Era of Big Government" Thrives
Jan 20, 1999 Mass. "Taxpayers" Foundation Panics Again!
Jan 16, 1998 Gov. Cellucci Proposes Half-Billion $ More "Profligate" Spending
Jan 14, 1999 Barbara's State of the Speaker Message  
Jan 13, 1999 ALEC:  In Mass. State Spending Outpaces Personal Income Growth  pdficonsmall.gif (153 bytes)
Jan 12, 1999 Confused Mass. Taxpayers Foundation Back-Peddles
Jan 11, 1999 Mass. Taxpayers Foundation Declares War on Taxpayers - NEWS RELEASE
Jan 09, 1999 Gov. Cellucci Calls for Income Tax Rate Cut in Inaugural Address (SHNS)
Jan 07, 1999 207 Years to Hit $10 Billion State Budget; Only A Dozen More to Double It to $20 Billion!
Jan 06, 1999 $20 Billion in "Needs" Met is Still Not Enough
Jan 04, 1999 State Government's "Embarrassment of Riches"
Jan 01, 1999 "The Liberal Double Standard in Reacting to Hate Speech," by Jeff Jacoby