and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation


Post Office Box 1147  ●  Marblehead, Massachusetts   01945  ●   (508) 384-0100

- 2005 -


CLT Commentary
by Chip Ford

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CLT bills filed or supported for 2005


Truth in budgeting
The hidden code to breaking state budget numbers


Legislative Ratings for the 2003-04 Session


Massachusetts House of Representatives

Debate on the Income Tax Rollback
April 25, 2005


Massachusetts Senate

Dodges debate on Income Tax Rollback
May 23, 2005


Massachusetts House of Representatives

Dodges debate on Income Tax Rollback

Dems promise debate “two to three weeks down the road”
during supplemental budget debate

October 6, 2005


Massachusetts House of Representatives

Dodges Income Tax Rollback, again
October 18, 2005



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Dec 22, 2005 Governor Romney's Thank You Letter to CLT
Dec 22, 2005 Teachers union funding further exposed
Dec 12, 2005 Teachers unions' corrupting power exposed
Dec 8, 2004 CLT Celebrates Win for Governor, Taxpayers
Dec 7, 2005 Hubris reigns upon L'il Mount Olympus
Dec 6, 2005 It's official: Legislature repeals Retro Tax
Dec 2, 2005 Retro Tax fallout - Reading between the lines
Dec 1, 2005 Retro Tax scrapped today!
Dec 1, 2005 Retro Tax fight continues behind the Beacon Hill scene
Nov 22, 2005 "Institutional memory" or voters:  which should be institutionalized?
Nov 19, 2005 Joined by CLT members, Gov calls for fairness on retroactive cap gains tax
Nov 17, 2005 Legislature almost went home for good ... then changed its mind
Nov 15, 2005 CLT Testimony -- supporting its bill to rollback the state income tax  
Nov 10, 2005 Just how absurd will the Legislature become?
Nov 8, 2005 The Final Days (aka, "Strategic Chaos")  
Nov 7, 2005 Celebrating Proposition 2˝ continued, among attacks
Nov 2, 2005 What part of "Illegal Aliens" don't they understand?  
Nov 2, 2005 What part of "Illegal Aliens" doesn't the AG understand?
Oct 27, 2005 Former senate president calls for tax rollback as strategic chaos rules Beacon Hill
Oct 27, 2005 S2251 – Another bill to kill the initiative petition process heads to the Senate floor  
Oct 21, 2005 "The Best Legislature Money Can Buy":  Over the top, around the bend, and over the edge
Oct 19, 2005 Unprecedented Beacon Hill activity masks latest unscrupulous tax rollback dodge
Oct 18, 2005 The Supplemental Budget and the Tax Rollback  
Oct 16, 2005 CLT's annual brunch -- Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Proposition 2˝
Oct 15, 2005 Next round of big spending planned as state coffers overflow, all over again
Oct 7, 2005 "Don’t speak when you can nod, don’t nod when you can wink" and now, don’t vote when you can dodge
Oct 6, 2003 House again dodges vote on Republicans’ income tax rollback amendment  
Oct 6, 2005 The economy in numbers  
Oct 6, 2005 The Fat Cats can't decide . . . but we can!
Oct 4, 2005 State revenue soars while pols still play games with voters' tax cut
Sep 29, 2005 Tax exemption, tax expansion
Sep 19, 2005 Can they stop just the lying, please?
Sep 13, 2005 MTF Fat-Cats crusade for more as voters demand tax cut
Sep 12, 2005 It's petition season again
Sep 8, 2005 The problem has again been defined. Now what's the solution?
Sep 7, 2005 Hamill Commission report: If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them . . .  
Sep 7, 2005 MTF wants to raise your taxes, again!
Aug 29, 2005 "Hamill Commission II" attacks Prop 2˝
Aug 29, 2005 Again to the "Hamill Commission" – Hands off voters' Prop 2˝!  
Aug 26, 2005 As state revenue pours in, it's "wait-and-see" all over again
Aug 24, 2005 “There is nothing new under the sun” - New “Hamill Commission” again to assault Prop 2˝?
Aug 16, 2005 Catching up in the dog days
Aug 4, 2005 Petition filing deadline passes
Jul 27, 2005 It's time to relax: the Legislature is gone!
Jul 21, 2005 We actually won one!
Jul 19, 2005 Execution of the I&R steamrolls on
Jul 16, 2005 Going for the kill of petitioning in Massachusetts
Jul 15, 2005 Another assault by the enemies of the petition process  
Jul 7, 2005 State's high-paid teachers still looking for more / more eminent domain decision fallout
Jun 29, 2005 Initial fallout over Supremes' desecration of the Constitution and other matters
Jun 24, 2005 Property rights decimated by Supremes  
Jun 24, 2005 Highest court repeals citizens' property rights
Jun 22, 2005 CLT supports Romney health care plan  
Jun 16, 2005 Democrats in Legislature swing at strike three in capital gains fiasco
Jun 10, 2005 Gov. Romney, CLT support capital gains tax fairness
Jun 10, 2005 CLT supports Governor Romney’s solution to the 2002 Legislature’s capital gains tax fiasco   
Jun 10, 2005 Lies, lying, and liars exposed
Jun 3, 2005 Prop 2˝ override epidemic meets "fed up" taxpayers' immune system
May 26, 2005 Taxpayers on hook for vicious cons' sex-changes -- what?!?
May 24, 2005 Senate Democrats dodge tax rollback budget debate
May 24, 2005 Senate budget: the income tax rollback  
May 20, 2005 Memo to the Massachusetts Senate Regarding the Tax Rollback  
May 19, 2005 On Bacon Hill, the spending spree begins anew!
May 17, 2005 Bay State taxpayer's life: "poor, nasty, brutish, and short"
May 17, 2005 Memo to the Committee on Revenue Regarding Property Taxes and Senior Citizens 
May 13, 2005 A Curse on "Temporary" Taxation!  
May 13, 2005 Anyone buying another "temporary" tax hike?
May 7, 2005 Battling tax rollback editorials continue
May 5, 2005 Boston Globe column by Barbara Anderson:  "Tax rollback would restore trust"
May 3, 2005 IF NOT NOW, WHEN?  Wrong as usual and despite $1B surplus, MTF still fights against rollback
May 1, 2005 "Hit a pothole, thank a teacher"
Apr 28, 2005 The Boston Globe's bankrupt integrity, and other treacheries
Apr 27, 2005 MTF column is ammunition for tax-and-spend "TEAM"
Apr 26, 2005 House Democrats again kill “temporary tax” rollback; “Another slap in the face” to 1.5 million voters
Apr 25, 2005 Memo to House of Representatives Regarding Today's House Budget Debate  
Apr 24, 2005 The secret ticking time bomb: "public service" pensions, health insurance giveaways
Apr 21, 2005 Progressive absurdity:  the burden of Bay State taxpayers
Apr 15, 2005 "We didn't need or want a tax cut -- but it's ours now!"
Apr 14, 2005 April 15th and the Massachusetts Tax Burden  
Apr 8, 2005 Gerald Amirault joins CLT staff for Prop 2˝ study
Apr 6. 2005 Beacon Hill hearings begin; Widmer flaunts MTF's true agenda
Apr 5, 2005 Proposals for Legislative Constitutional Amendments  
Mar 22, 2005 PAYT scheme trashed without a yellow plastic bag
Mar 14, 2005 Forgotten intent of Prop 2˝ overrides:  Emergencies
Mar 11, 2005 Legislators fail to file taxes while AG stumps for tax "freeze"
Mar 10, 2005 Prop 2˝ is scapegoat for municipal profligacy
Mar 8, 2005 Taxpayers' employees, a class of their own
Mar 2, 2005 The common denominator
Feb 24, 2005 "Is it time yet for the state income tax cut we were promised ... in 1989?"
Feb 16, 2005 SJC pulls rug from under tax-and-spenders' scheme
Feb 10, 2005 Government's constant expansion of itself
Feb 9, 2005 Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians
Feb 4, 2005 The National Taxpayers Union writes Governor Romney today  
Jan 31, 2005 Want to work another day for government?
Jan 27, 2005 Gov's bigger budget: "Still not enough"
Jan 26, 2005 CLT congratulates Governor Romney for including long-overdue income tax rollback  
Jan 25, 2005 Property taxes skyrocket while Public Employees swim in salaries
Jan 18, 2005 Tricks and treats
Jan 14, 2005  "Massachusetts is back" but still the Gimme Lobby wants more
Jan 13, 2005 Crises big and small
Jan 3, 2005 Why the Bay State Diaspora?
Dec 30, 2004 Out with the old, in with the new (Last 2004 Update)
2004 Index

CLT Updates and Alerts! -- 2004 Archive


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A Promise to Keep: 5%  2000 ballot campaign



May 6 - Dec 29, 1998

Jan - May 5, 1998

Dec 1997 - Apr 1998  (A Promise to Keep: 5%)

Aug - Dec 1997  (A Promise to Keep: 5%)

Jan - Oct 1997

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