- 2011 -


CLT Commentary
by Chip Ford

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2009-2010 Legislative Ratings
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Dec 30, 2011 Out with the old, in with . . . ?
Dec 16, 2011 Five One-Hundredths of One Percent Tax Reduction: 45 more years before voters, taxpayers prevail?
Dec 14, 2011

A 68-Year Old "Temporary Tax" Hike? 

Dec 13, 2011

Too little too late, but we'll take it without thanks

Nov 23, 2011 Before the Thanksgiving Feast . . . Food for Thought - A Timeless Thanksgiving Message
Nov 8, 2011

Letter to U.S. Senator John F. Kerry, Re: Congressional "Supercommittee" Issues

Nov 2, 2011 $93M for illegals' health care — "the tip of the iceberg"
Oct 30, 2011 "How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away"
Oct 28, 2011 Another gas tax hike grab
Oct 24, 2011 Beacon Hill's Heroes and Good Guys
Oct 15, 2011 The loony left given all for nothing at our expense, as usual
Oct 14, 2011 No new taxes pledge vs. the occupiers
Sep 28, 2011 Memo: Debate on The Casino Bill 
Sep 27, 2011 Twenty-two years of waiting for maybe . . .
Sep 22, 2011 CLT’s 2½ PAC Candidate Wins Special Election!
Sep 21, 2011 CLT Testifies for Prop 2½ at Statehouse Hearing
Sep 20, 2011 Government Employee Benefits Reform — The Massachusetts Way
Sep 15, 2011

Report: The American Legislative Exchange Council - 38th Annual Meeting

Aug 23, 2011

A Bacon Hill committee that never rests

Aug 12, 2011

Today is National Cost of Government Day

Jul 30, 2011

Debt battle in DC

Jul 22, 2011

Senator Brown votes for a balanced budget amendment: Bravo! 

Jul 12, 2011

Gov. Patrick's FY '12 budget bill does . . . what?

Jul 6, 2011

FY 2012 budget finally in Gov's hands

Jun 27, 2011

Cut, Cap, and Balance

Jun 24, 2011

FY 2012 state budget: "Haste Makes Waste"

Jun 16, 2011

"The rats are in the seed corn again"

Jun 3, 2011

On Beacon Hill "The Dealing Starts"

May 16, 2011

The Teachers Union: Doing it to the taxpayers "for the commonwealth" this time, not just "for the children"

May 10, 2011

Memo to the Revenue Committee: May 12 Hearing on Sales Tax 

May 10, 2011 Tax-hike crowd's vow: "In the end we will be victorious"
May 6, 2011 Another income tax hike . . . baited with another lie
Apr 29, 2011 Once again, MTF steps on cost-savings and reforms by supporting new taxes 
Apr 27, 2011

House budget: Health insurance reform 

Apr 26, 2011

Voters' 2000 tax rollback mandate again stiffed - New income tax hike coming?

Apr. 21, 2011

FY ’12 House budget: History repeats itself — What you can do

Apr. 21, 2011

FY ’12 House budget: History repeats itself 

Apr 19, 2011

The national crisis is upon us

Apr 12, 2011

The greedy Gimme Lobby is back for more

Apr 11, 2011 Tax Freedom Day in Massachusetts two days later than U.S. 
Apr 9, 2011 Taxpayer Week coming up!
Mar 29, 2011 Rep. Provost's ballot assault condemned
Mar 24, 2011 Unions' assault on democracy exposed
Mar 23, 2011 CLT Memo to the Joint Committee on Election Laws
Mar 14, 2011 Government employee unions on the run ... everywhere but here
Mar 11, 2011

MEMO TO LEGISLATURE - Public Employee Union Kick-Back 

Mar 9, 2011 Mass. Public Employee Unions Try One Last Scam
Mar 8, 2011

Union Kick-Backs

Feb 22, 2011 ALERT! – I Stand with WI Governor Scott Walker Rally
Feb 18, 2011 Initiative petition process under attack, sheesh again
Feb 10, 2011 NY following NJ in push for our Prop. 2½ style tax cap
Jan 20, 2011 NEVER GIVE UP!  Citizens for Limited Taxation files bills for limited taxation, again
2010 Index CLT Updates and Alerts! -- 2010 Archive

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A Promise to Keep: 5%  2000 ballot campaign



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