Friday, June 24, 2011
FY 2012 state budget: "Haste Makes Waste"


The following memo was sent today to members of the committee, every state representative and senator
at the State House, and to the media statewide.

To:  Members of the Joint Budget Conference Committee
Cc:  All House and Senate members


This will not be the first time the state budget wasn’t ready by the beginning of a fiscal year. We read the delay as the attempt by responsible legislators to enact essential savings.

CLT strongly supports the House version of municipal health insurance reform over the Senate’s need to continue to accommodate union intransigence.

However, we support the Senate plan to crack down on illegal immigration. Our members know that the House considered a similar plan but was sidetracked by a further amendment supported with someone’s maiden speech. This happens.

These are not normal times, this is not a traditional shake-out recession that will resolve itself anytime soon.

Taxpayers can no longer afford to give extraordinary benefits to local public employees, or to support immigrants who are here illegally.

Since we do understand that compromise is sometimes necessary, here is our suggestion:

The House gets the GIC issue, the Senate gets the illegal immigration issue, and taxpayers can say, "Good job."

Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665