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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Citizens for Limited Taxation files bills for limited taxation, again

Income Tax Rate Rollback.  Gov. Dukakis and the Legislature promised in 1989 – over two decades ago – that their income tax rate hike above its traditional 5% would be “temporary.” In 2000, CLT and Gov. Cellucci put the phased-in rate rollback to 5% on the ballot, where it won by 59-41%. In 2002, the Legislature froze the rate at 5.3%, “temporarily.”

CLT’s bill, which was filed last time by Sen. Scott Brown, is being filed again by Senate Republicans led by Bruce Tarr. It would cut the income tax rate to its traditional 5%, at last, starting Jan. 1, 2011.

Proposition 2½.  CLT placed Prop 2½ on the ballot in 1980, where it won by 59-41%. It has been successfully implemented and we want to make just two changes: communities could ask for an override only on the statewide ballot in the biennial election, and voters in all communities could place an underride (to cut the property tax) on this ballot as well. Presently only taxpayers with a petition provision in their local government charters can ask for an underride.

Repeal of the 2002 nursing home tax.  Self-payers in nursing homes must pay a daily tax to help pay the costs of Medicaid patients (until they too run out of money and go on Medicaid). Last year this obscene tax was $19.17 a day.

CLT also supports rolling back the recent sales tax increase to 5 percent.

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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665