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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

House budget:  Health insurance reform

We see that some other statewide groups applaud the House vote on municipal health insurance reform. Signing a letter stating that “We commend Speaker DeLeo and Chairman Dempsey for their leadership on this issue, and look forward to continuing this progress in the Senate” were the Boston Foundation, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Boston Municipal Research Bureau, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, the Massachusetts Business Roundtable, the Massachusetts High Tech Council, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, and Stand for Children.

Citizens for Limited Taxation, while not expecting to be included on a list with such august organizations, is happy that they are supporting these savings over the tax increases most of them usually support in lieu of reforms.

Having said that, and continuing to support the House effort, we see no reason to give the unions 20%, 10%, or whatever % the Senate offers, of the savings in order to get their support, especially considering that they aren’t going to support the effort anyhow. Oh well, on to the Senate . . .

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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665