Friday, July 22, 2011

Senator Brown votes for a balanced budget amendment: Bravo!

From:  Citizens for Limited Taxation and for saving America from unlimited national debt

The U.S. Senate voted today, 51-47, to table the House “cut, cap and balance” bill.

The majority of the Senate voted to table this bill, to avoid taking this controversial vote. However, our junior senator, Scott Brown, voted to have a debate, to face the issue, to begin to solve the debt problem. Massachusetts voters can be proud for a change; we elected one person to represent fiscal responsibility.

We recall when Sen. John Kerry was the one vote that killed a House-passed balanced budget amendment in 1997. This makes him responsible for the current debt crisis.

A vote for a balanced budget amendment would simply send it to the states, where 3/4s of the state legislatures would have to pass it to put it in the constitution. So with his vote, Sen. Brown also showed respect for the states, including ours. Fifty-one senators ran away.


Scott Brown
United States Senator for Massachusetts

July 22, 2011
CONTACT: Colin Reed: 202-224-4543

Brown Statement On Senate Budget Negotiations

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) issued the following statement:

"Today we took a symbolic vote on a balanced budget amendment. A balanced budget requirement is something we have in Massachusetts, and I think it would be good for the entire country at a time when we are $14.3 trillion dollars in debt and it is rising every day. Now both parties need to come together on a plan that will allow us to avoid default, make substantial cuts in spending, which is reasonable and bipartisan and will have a chance of being signed into law. Let’s stop the negative politics and partisan bickering and get down to work. Time is running short."


Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665