Post Office Box 1147  ●  Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945  ●  (781) 639-9709
“Every Tax is a Pay Cut ... A Tax Cut is a Pay Raise”

45 years as “The Voice of Massachusetts Taxpayers”
and their Institutional Memory

CLT News Release
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

"Beware of Progs bearing gifts"


Contact:  Chip Ford, Executive Director


Targeting "millionaires" for a tax hike is bad enough; it’s terrible public policy and an economic blunder.


Citizens for Limited Taxation has called the so-called "Tax Fairness Amendment" the very antithesis of fairness by imposing a different tax rate on some but not all.


CLT has warned since this constitutional amendment was first proposed four years ago that the "millionaires" gimmick is just a Trojan Horse; a deception to get inside the gate before prying it wide open for entry of a graduated income tax on all taxpayers.


Yesterday we learned that a group of the more progressive among the liberal Legislature has filed an amendment that ripped off the bandaid and exposed the true intent of this proposed constitutional amendment.  Amendment #2, sponsored by Reps. Peisch, Ferrante, and Sen. Finegold, strips away any pretense of this sixth attempt, and boldly calls again for imposition of a long-rejected graduated income tax.


It is scheduled for a vote during tomorrow’s Constitutional Convention.


Five times over the decades a graduated income tax constitutional amendment was put on the Massachusetts statewide ballot for voters to decide, and five times without exception it was soundly defeated (1962, 83%-17%; 1968, 70%-30%; 1972, 67%-33%; 1976, 73%-27% and; 1994, 70%-30%).


"To paraphrase Virgil's Aeneid, ‘Beware of Progs bearing gifts,’” said Chip Ford, executive director of Citizens for Limited Taxation, which led the successful opposition to the last proposed Grad Tax constitutional amendment on the 1994 ballot.  It was defeated then by 70%-30%.


Ford added:  "Why can't liberal advocates of a hugely-unpopular graduated income tax accept the voters' persistently overwhelming 'No' for the electorate's final decision?  How can the tax-and-spend progressives think a sixth time will turn out differently, that they've worn down voters this time, have radically changed the minds of such a consistently vast majority of voters?"

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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    (781) 639-9709