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Defeat of the "Community Benefit Districts"
A devious end-run around Proposition 2½

- 2018 -


May 31, 2018 New Micro-Municipal Government and a New Power to Tax
Jun 1, 2018 NO to New Neighborhood Taxation 
Jun 8, 2018 A challenging time for embattled taxpayers
Jun 14, 2018 CLT Status Report
Jul 15, 2018 The Beacon Hill Way: Tax and Spend Ever More
Jul 17, 2017 Call your State Senator immediately! ‒ Stop the "Community Benefit Districts" bill
Jul 18, 2018 Legislature passes record $41.9 Billion budget, "Community Benefit Districts" law
Jul 21, 2018 The budget aftermath slowly revealed
Jul 24, 2018 Memo to GOP Representatives
NO to New Neighborhood Taxation 
Jul 25, 2018 Opposition Coalition Statement
Jul 25, 2018 We have their attention:  Quick, keep those phone calls going!
Jul 26, 2018 Senate passes yet another new tax
Jul 27, 2018 CBD:  Who's telling the lies?
Jul 29, 2018 Act in this moment that counts
Jul 30, 2018 Memo to House Members - NO to New Neighborhood Taxation 
Jul 31, 2018 Final day to call your legislators, governor
Aug 1, 2018 We Won ― Defeated the Neighborhood Tax!
Aug 1, 2018 Thank you for not taxing us more 
Aug 4, 2018 Wins and losses from Beacon Hill

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