A Ballot Committee of Citizens for Limited Taxation


in Alliance with
Governor A. Paul Cellucci's Tax Rollback Committee

Vote "YES!" on Question 4
Before They're Back for MORE!

"Cellucci gets a win, may stay to enjoy it," by Brian C. Mooney - Boston Globe Nov 8, 2000
"Plenty of reasons to vote on Tuesday," by Brian C. Mooney - Boston Globe Nov 4, 2000
"Greed is good, if you're the government," by Taylor Armerding - Eagle-Tribune Nov 2, 2000
"Interview with the vampire 'Letstax,'" by Barbara Anderson - MetroWest Daily News Oct 29, 2000
"Force our leaders to keep their tax promises - vote yes on 4," by Barbara Anderson - Boston Globe Oct 28, 2000
"Time to count the reasons Question 4 likely to pass," by Brian C. Mooney - Boston Globe Oct 21, 2000
"Layabout hack's nightmare: the morning after Question 4," by Howie Carr - Boston Herald Oct 18, 2000
"Big money plays biggest role in state's referendum politics," by Brian C. Mooney - Boston Globe Oct 18, 2000
"Doing the Legislature's duty for it" by David A. Mittel, Jr. - Patriot Ledger Oct 14, 2000
"Why I might vote for state tax rollback," by Joan Vennochi - Boston Globe Sep 19, 2000
"Tax-cut question real debate issue," by Brian C. Mooney - Boston Globe Sep 6, 2000
"Want more money for education? Cut taxes," by David Tuerck - Boston Herald Sep 3, 2000
The Tax Rollback and working men and women, by Barbara Anderson Sep 3, 2000
"Spending need not rise with revenues," by James A. Peyser - Boston Herald Aug 28, 2000
"Frog Soup," by Chip Ford - Boston Herald Aug 13, 2000
The Tax Rollback and prescription drugs for seniors, by Barbara Anderson Jul, 2000
The Tax Rollback and a one-party system, by Barbara Anderson Jun, 2000
The Tax Rollback and the woman's vote, by Barbara Anderson Jun 2000
The Tax Rollback and the teachers union payoff, by Barbara Anderson Jun 2000
The Tax Rollback and the gimme bird, by Barbara Anderson Mar 17, 2000
"Big money for the Big Dig," by Jeff Jacoby - Boston Globe Mar 13, 2000
The Tax Rollback and spending deceptions, by Barbara Anderson Mar, 2000
The Tax Rollback and the Big Dig, by Barbara Anderson Apr 25, 2000
The Tax Rollback and the $8 Billion Tobacco Settlement, by Barbara Anderson Feb 18, 2000
The Tax Rollback, gas prices, and promises, by Barbara Anderson Feb, 2000
The Tax Rollback and apologies, by Barbara Anderson Jan, 2000
"Battle lines drawn in tax war of 2000," by Brian C. Mooney - Boston Globe Jan 15, 2000
The Tax Rollback and Lt. Gov. Jane Swift Jan, 2000
"Raise our pay by cutting tax,"  by Barbara Anderson - Boston Herald Nov 11, 1999
Gov. Cellucci Tax Cut: Right on the Money," by David G. Tuerck - Boston Herald Jun 27, 1999
Patriot Ledger Commentary: "Return to 5% income tax long overdue," by Ingrid Shaffer Apr 21, 1999
"About the Tobacco Money," by Jeff Jacoby - Boston Globe Apr 12, 1999
"Smoke and mirrors deprive taxpayers of tobacco money," by Chip Ford - Boston Herald Feb 21, 1999
"Give the tobacco windfall back to the taxpayers," by Jeff Jacoby - Boston Globe Dec 10, 1998
"Extra funds mean gov't shirked duty," by David C. Tuerck - Boston Herald Jun 14, 1998
"State should return $ to taxpayers," by David C. Tuerck - Boston Herald Dec 14, 1997

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