A Ballot Committee of Citizens for Limited Taxation


The MetroWest Daily News
Tuesday, October 17, 2000

Polls show state demographics, support for ballot questions
By Rob Haneisen
News Staff Writer

FRAMINGHAM -- That Al Gore will take the Bay State is practically a no-brainer, but a UMass poll also shows voters here are ready to put a muzzle on greyhound racing and more money in their pockets.

Seventy-four percent of 400 registered voters polled by phone support Question 4 on the Nov. 7 ballot, a plan to roll back the state income tax rate from 5.85 percent to 5 percent.

The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 5 percent.

Republicans, who have pushed for the cut, are pleased, but not complacent.

"I think it shows that the people of Massachusetts know that their state income tax is too high," said John Brockelman, executive director of the state Republican Party. "Polls go up and polls go down but we are not going to take anything for granted."

Brockelman cited other polls with similar results as his reasons for putting some stock in the numbers.

Gov. Paul Cellucci has made the income tax cut a personal crusade.

The poll is not discouraging Jim St. George, a tax cut foe and director of the Tax Equity Alliance of Massachusetts.

He believes the electorate isn't quite engaged with three weeks to go.

"Obviously we are not in the lead yet," he said. "But people haven't focused in on the issue yet either." ...

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