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How to make a secure credit card contribution through PayPal
(without needing a PayPal account)

You don't need to be a PayPal member or have a PayPal account or login to make a credit card contribution.  Just follow the steps below to bypass the PayPal login process:

From the CLT website's contribution page select the amount you wish to make by clicking on the “Donate” button for that amount. For example we'll use $50.


You will be taken to the next screen, which will provide two options:

1) “Donate with PayPal” is the default, in blue.

Beneath it you should see “or” and beneath that you should see:

2) “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card”.

Click on “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card”.

Fill in your credit card information.

NOTE:  Please check the "Share my mailing address with Citizens for Limited Taxation" box so we can credit your contribution in our records.

Then click on the blue button on the bottom:  "Donate Now".


Thank you for your support!  It's yours and that of many others that keeps CLT fighting for taxpayers' interests.