Select References to CLT's
direct involvement |
CLT Update - Mar 10, 1998
An Open Response to the Senate President |
Barbara's Column - August 2, 1999
Capital Gains Tax: Another Broken Promise |
CLT NEWS RELEASE - Mar 12, 2002
A Fiscal Policy False Choice
Memo to the Legislature |
CLT UPDATE - Jun 19, 2002
Dirty little budget 'secrets' begin to surface |
CLT UPDATE - Jul 7, 2002
"It's time to fight back!" |
CLT UPDATE - May 8, 2004
Tax-and-Spend Caucus in overdrive |
CLT UPDATE - May 15, 2004
On bandits, blowhards and bullies |
CLT NEWS RELEASE - Apr 7, 2004
Tax Freedom Day is earlier this year
Mass. 4th-latest in the nation |
CLT UPDATE - Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Tomorrow the tax man cometh |
Barbara's Column - Apr 16, 2004
Nice place to visit, but you might not want to invest here |
Barbara's Column - May 12, 2005
Small wonder smart businesses choose to invest their money
elsewhere |
CLT UPDATE - Jun 9, 2005
CLT UPDATE - Jun 10, 2005
Gov. Romney, CLT support capital gains tax fairness |
CLT UPDATE - Jun 16, 2005
Democrats in Legislature swing at strike three in capital gains
fiasco |
CLT UPDATE - Oct 7, 2005
"Don’t speak when you can nod,
don’t nod when you can wink" and now,
don’t vote when you can dodge |
Barbara's Column - Nov 10, 2005
Strategic chaos reigns |
CLT UPDATE - Nov 17, 2005
Legislature almost went home for good ... then changed its mind |
Barbara's Column - Nov 17, 2005
Morally wrong, ethically unsound |
CLT UPDATE - Nov 19, 2005
Joined by CLT members, Gov calls for fairness
on retroactive cap gains tax |
CLT UPDATE - Nov 22, 2005
"Institutional memory" or voters:
which should be institutionalized? |
CLT UPDATE - Dec 1, 2005
Retro Tax fight
continues behind the Beacon Hill scene |
CLT ALERT! - Dec 1, 2005
Retro Tax
scrapped today!
All CLT Updates, Memos,
Comments, and Columns
concerning the Retroactive Capital Gains Tax
You are the
affected retro-taxpayer to visit this page |