CLT Update
Friday, October 13, 2000

Gov. Cellucci Shreds Gimme Lobby's "Debt" Tactic

Last night Gov. Cellucci debated Treasurer Shannon O'Brien in the WBZ TV-4 studio; the debate continued out in the hallway afterwards.

O'Brien tried to compare state debt to maxing out your credit card. Gov. Cellucci quickly knocked down her analogy and replaced it with his own:

"It's not credit card debt, it's a mortgage," he pointed out. "When we build capital projects we take out a mortgage for the life of those projects."

The MINE (More Is Never Enough!) crowd is scrambling desperately to find a hook -- any hook -- to turn around the polls.

Their strategy of deception has evolved: "It was never a promise ... and even if it was a promise, we didn't make it, the Legislature in 1989 did ... besides, politicians don't keep promises anyway ... and even if they did, we can invest (spend) your money better than you can ... but now we can't spend it because we have to pay off the debts we ran up while also doubling the budget and spending your tax overpayments ..."

Nothing's working for them, nothing. Watch for more mud to be thrown against the wall in a panicked hope that something ... anything ... will stick in the remaining days before perceptive voters keep the Gimme Lobby's broken promise. Their million dollar scare-tactics TV ad blitz is coming, and this is a very, very desperate bunch!

Chip Ford

Associated Press
Friday, October 13, 2000

Governor, state treasurer spar on tax cut 

Tax Rollback Committee
News Release

Cellucci Exposes O'Brien's True Record on Debt
in WBZ TV-4/Boston Globe Debate


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