They'd Shamelessly Now Have Us Believe
They're "Worried About the State's 'Debt'"!

Yesterday was a very busy day. At a State House news conference attended by Barbara, the governor and me, the Massachusetts chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business endorsed Question 4. CLT and NFIB member Ray Tarr of Wenham also attended, proudly wearing his new North Shore Fire Appliance Company hat!

Yesterday -- no doubt in anticipation of her debate with Gov. Cellucci (to be broadcast Sunday morning at 11:00 on WBZ TV-4) -- state Treasurer Shannon O'Brien came out in opposition to Question 4, calling instead for future surpluses to be used to pay off the state "debt"!

Let's put aside that the Legislature has been "swimming in money" for years, thanks to our tax overpayment, and has not deigned to pay off the debt. As outrageous as that thought might be, consider further.

Let's just forget for the moment that the state "rainy day" fund and other bank accounts have stockpiled some $4 Billion of out tax overpayment, just in case the pols need it.

In the last 11 years -- since the state's fiscal meltdown, since the "temporary" income tax hike was imposed -- the state budget has doubled. Yet even while spending twice as much, using our excess tax payments, still the Legislature managed to dig us into debt?

And they wonder why we demand that they keep their promise, they really wonder why we don't trust them with our money?

More Is Never Enough! (MINE!) More never will be ... until they have it all.

The good news is, this debt is capital debt ... not operating budget debt like the trillions of dollars on the federal level.

Capital debt always is funded into the future, because it's spent on projects intended for long-range usage, 20, 30, 50 or more years off. The expenses are intended to be spread out fairly over the viable use of the project.

"Paying off the debt" is just the latest of many scare tactics in the Gimme Lobby's desperate campaign of fear.

Worcester's Telegram & Gazette had a great editorial in its Sunday edition, "Tax flimflam."

The State House News Service reported on yesterday events:

"A Promise to Keep: 5% , the NFIB news release, and other news releases are available.

Last night Barbara and I also attended Carla Howell's campaign event in Burlington for her candidacy against Ted Kennedy for the U.S. Senate. Barbara was a featured speaker along with the candidate, her topic, "A Promise to Keep." I manned the "Promise" table and passed out some 50 lawn signs, a good hundred bumper stickers, and piles of pamphlets!

We're hoping bumper stickers -- both those we pass out at our speaking engagement and the ones we mailed to you -- are being put to good use on your cars, and that our lawn signs are sprouting up all over the commonwealth! (Goodness knows, they've cost us enough as we race to keep up with the demand.)

If you want to see an almost-10 minute segment of Gov. Cellucci's debate against Democrat guv-wannabe Steve Grossman on NECN last week, it, and Barbara's debate against Jimmy St. George, is available if you go to our "Debates & Forums" schedule.

Check back if you're looking for the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on Question 4.

Chip Ford

PS.  A major new poll is about to be announced. Stay tuned, you're going to love it!

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