The CLT Annual Dinner, and a Republican Betrayal

Thank you one and all to those who attended the annual CLT dinner last night! Over 150 activists and supporters enjoyed the big evening of festivities and camaraderie.

Our keynote speaker, Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Chairman Andrew S. Natsios, a CLT supporter since his years in the Legislature as the drafter and primary defender of Prop. 2½, was frank, informative and quite humorous. He provided a new and interesting insight into how a strong economy leads to a decline in crime, and why our tax rollback is necessary to continue the trend.

Our Warren T. Brookes Award recipient this year, Dick Egan, founder and chairman of EMC Corporation and a longtime CLT "John Hancock" supporter and "Sam Adams" activist, was both gracious and inspirational. And even though we promised him that he wouldn't have to give a speech, his perspective and words of encouragement were warmly received and appreciated.

Activist George Withington of Newton was presented this year's CITIZEN for Limited Taxation Award for his decades of activism in defense of the taxpayers, and it was great to see the number of past recipients in the audience to welcome the newest member to their select group of super-activists.

We also had a door prize raffle: 40 copies of "The National Debt: From FDR (1941) to Clinton (1996)" by CLT member Robert E. Kelly of Peabody.

We'll be posting photos from the event on the website in the next few days; I'll let you know when they're up.

Also yesterday, during its budget deliberations, the state Senate voted down Sen. Lees (R-Longmeadow) amendment which proposed adopting the Governor's (and our) tax rollback by 31 to 8.

While the rollcall vote pretty much was along party lines, what most stands out is that two Democrats, Guy Glodis (D-Worcester) and Susan Tucker (D-Andover), voted with us and ... even more remarkable ... one alleged REPUBLICAN voted against keeping the promise: Sen. RICHARD TISEI (?-Wakefield).

Senator TISEI was elected to the Legislature in 1985, obviously has been there too long (he's one of those who lists his occupation as "Legislator") and has clearly lost touch with those he pretends to represent. He has now apparently earned his stripes and graduated to the ranks of Democrat-in-Republican-Clothing.

Sen. Richard Tisei can -- and deserves to -- be reached at:

(617) 722-1206
- or -

With "Republicans" like Sen. Richard Tisei, who needs Democrats?

We've posted yesterday's senate tax rollback amendment debate.

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Chip Ford

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