Round Two Petitions Have Arrived:
CLT Members are Off and Running!

The Round Two petitions have arrived!

Paul Melconian, chairman of the Tax Rollback Committee, and I picked up boxes of them this morning.

We need to collect another 9,517 certified signatures of Massachusetts registered voters who did not sign our petition last fall. We're shooting for at least 20,000 certified over the coming weeks to avoid any challenges by the relentless "More Is Never Enough" Gimme Lobby.

If you were a CLT volunteer petitioner last fall, watch your mail next week for the big white envelope from us; your petition package with petitions, instructions, etc.

If you were NOT a CLT volunteer last fall and want to help with this second round of signature collecting, click on the link below, fill out the secure e-form, and send it to us. We'll get you out your package ASAP.

20,000 new signatures to go then nothing can keep us off the November ballot. Can you taste the tax rollback yet? Can you feel the promise about to be finally kept?

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Chip Ford

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If you were NOT a CLT volunteer petitioner last fall and want to help us help you now

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