Post Office Box 1147    Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945    (781) 639-9709
“Every Tax is a Pay Cut ... A Tax Cut is a Pay Raise”

48 years as “The Voice of Massachusetts Taxpayers”
and their Institutional Memory

CLT News Release
Thursday, December 15, 2022

CLT Passes Tax Limitation Torch to MassFiscal


December 15, 2022
Contact:  Chip Ford, Executive Director, CLT — 781-639-9709
               Paul Diego Craney, Spokesman, MassFiscal — 617-797-2540

Citizens for Limited Taxation will be shut down permanently by the end of the month, leaving 3.4 million of the state’s beleaguered taxpayers with a final, parting gift — the refund of $3 billion which they were overtaxed under CLT’s successful 1986 tax cap ballot question (now technically termed Chapter 62F) — to add to the tens of billions CLT has saved them over the decades.

“It’s a new era, time for new energy to move the tax limitation movement forward in Massachusetts,” said Chip Ford, executive director of Citizens for Limited Taxation.  “For going on half a century CLT has carried the burden of leadership in that indispensable mission.  The time has come to pass the tax limitation torch on to another generation.  Fortunately for Bay State taxpayers, and especially for CLT members, Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance is positioned well to run with that torch.”

"We thank Chip Ford for having faith in us to carry on the tremendous legacy of Citizens for Limited Taxation.  From the 5% income tax roll back, to Prop 2½ and Chapter 62F, CLT's legacy continues to have a measurable, positive impact on the businesses and working families of Massachusetts every day.  We look forward to preserving that legacy and continuing on their mission of taxpayer protection for decades to come," said Paul D. Craney, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.

Citizens for Limited Taxation and Massachusetts taxpayers for decades were remarkably served by our inimitable executive director Barbara Anderson, who passed away while still on the job in 2016, and associate director Chip Faulkner, who worked for CLT also until his death in 2019 three years following hers, both at the age of 73.  Chip Ford, CLT’s co-director alongside Barbara since 1996 then executive director since 2016, turned 73 last month and decided it’s time to step aside, three years after Faulkner’s passing.

“I’m not particularly superstitious,” Ford said, “but why tempt the fates?  With Paul Craney and his team at MassFiscal so ably advancing the mission this is a good time and place for CLT and me to take our leave.”

To promote that continuity, as its final action CLT has sent out a mailing to all of its members recommending that they also continue that mission in pursuit of limited taxation and accountable state government by joining and supporting Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.

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 Some Highlights from Citizens for Limited Taxation’s History

1974-75 — Citizens for Limited Taxation was founded by businessman Edward F. King to oppose and ultimately defeat the fourth proposed graduated income tax constitutional amendment on the 1976 ballot.

1980 — CLT, led by executive director Barbara Anderson, limited relentlessly escalating property taxes with its successful Proposition 2½ ballot question.

1986 — Having limited municipal taxes, CLT put repeal of the 1975 Dukakis 7.5% income surtax on the 1986 ballot — along with a cap on overall state revenue growth and again succeeded.  As a result, the current $3 Billion income tax refunds to 3.4 million taxpayers under MGL Chapter 62F are today now in hand or underway.

1989 — CLT was a party to the Ford v. Lashman lawsuit challenging the unilateral Dukakis fee increases, settled out-of-court by the incoming Weld administration in 1992.

1989-90 — CLT put a rollback of the 1989 Dukakis income tax and fees hikes on the 1990 ballot, but it was defeated.

1991-92 — CLT teamed up with LIMITS to successfully collect signatures for a term limits constitutional amendment that never made it out of the Legislature. 

1993-94 — CLT again helped LIMITS put this time a statute for term limits on the 1994 ballot where it was adopted by the voters, but was later overturned by the Supreme Judicial Court.

1994 — CLT led the successful opposition to the fifth proposed graduated income tax constitutional amendment ballot question.

1996 — Chip Ford's Freedom First organization merged with Barbara Anderson's CLT; they become co-directors of Citizens for Limited Taxation (& Government).

1997-98 — CLT collected signatures for a ballot question to roll back the 1989 “temporary” income tax hike, but upon a prolonged signature challenge by the Massachusetts Teachers Association was disqualified as being 26 signatures short.

1999-2000 — CLT did it all over again, this time collecting far more than enough signatures to put the income tax rollback onto the 2000 ballot, where it won handily with 59% of the vote.

2000-02 — Following our successful income tax rollback CLT filed a bill to provide for a voluntary tax check-off on state income tax forms so those who insisted during the ballot question campaign that they didn’t “need or want” our tax rollback weren’t forced to take it.  Our bill was adopted by the Legislature in 2002 and remains the law.

2002 — The Legislature “froze” the voters’ tax rollback at 5.3% with arcane economic “triggers” required to proceed:  The 1989 “temporary” income tax hike was finally fully rolled back to 5% in 2020, three decades after it was imposed.

2019 — CLT worked with MassFiscal to oppose and defeat Gov. Bakers multi-state Transportation and Climate Initiative compact and its accompanying gas tax hikes.

2022 — CLT and MassFiscal teamed up to ensure that the income tax refund triggered by CLT’s successful 1986 tax cap ballot question was implemented according to the law under Chapter 62F.  CLT, MassFiscal, and others also campaigned against the sixth proposed graduated income tax constitutional amendment, this time losing by 52%-48%.

Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    (781) 639-9709