Limited Taxation

The 1989-'92 Freedom First/CLT Fees Challenge

In 1989, Freedom First (of which Chip Ford was then chairman and executive director) and CLT (of which Barbara Anderson was and is executive director) filed a constitutional challenge in Suffolk Superior Court against then-Gov. Michael Dukakis' unilateral fees increases. Three years later, with Gov. William Weld elected to office and the case still wending its way through the court system, the Weld administration and we plaintiffs settled out-of-court, with the Weld administration agreeing to reevaluate the fees process and adjust fees to the cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged.

Some of the most relevant summary documents can be accessed by clicking below.

Freedom First/CLT Fees Challenge Documents (1989-92)
Click here

Emerson College v. City of Boston (1984)
Click here

See also:
Silva v. City of Fall River (2003)

Click here

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