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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sales Tax Rollback Petitions Now Available

We've offered to lend a hand to the Retailer's Association of Massachusetts with its petition signature drive.  RAM's petition proposes to roll back the sales tax from 6.25% to 5.0% where it was in 2009 before being hiked.  It also would designate by law a sales tax-free weekend every August.

We've made available a copy of the petition and CLT's revised and updated "Petitioning Instructions" that you can download and print out.

Now this is extremely important:  The downloaded petition MUST BE PRINTED ON ONE SINGLE SHEET OF 8½” x 11" PAPERFRONT AND BACK OF ONE PAGE.

CLT's "Petitioning Instructions" explain in detail all the other strict state requirements that must be observed, as well as provides some useful petitioning tips.

Please read those instructions carefully so you won't waste your time, won't have your signatures invalidated.

When you've collected as many signatures as you can (or have just signed one yourself) you'll need to turn the petition(s) in to the appropriate city registrar of voters or town clerk for certification.  They will give you a receipt for your petition.  DO NOT RETURN TO PICK UP YOUR PETITION.  Immediately mail your receipt(s) to us and we'll have your petition(s) picked up with all other sales tax petitions in the registrar's or clerk's possession.

Citizens for Limited Taxation
P.O. Box 1147
Marblehead, MA  01945-5147

If you have any questions, call Chip Faulkner at:  508-915-3665

You can find and download both here:


As many of you who've done this before know, a statewide petition drive is an enormous, time-intensive undertaking over a limited time period, and it requires the participation of many to pull it off successfully.  Over 64,000 certified signatures of registered Massachusetts voters is required to qualify which means that organizers must collect closer to 100,000 raw signatures to insure reaching the certified minimum.

Every signature you can provide is going to make a difference.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance you can provide in this tax-cut endeavor.  If this succeeds, the money you save will be your own!

Chip Ford
Executive Director


Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665