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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Barbara's Election Plan for 2016 - "The Undecided Voter"
"In 2016 we need a president."
(Video Below)

Chip Ford's CLT Commentary

On April 13, 2014 Barbara and I attended the Tax Day Rally on Boston Common, sponsored by The Greater Boston Tea Party.  Barbara was invited to give the event's keynote speech.  She directed her words at voters who "want to keep America the way America used to be."
She noted that the first step was for Republicans to wrest control of the U.S. Senate from the Democrat majority.  (That was accomplished seven months later.)  She added that, to complete the task of taking back our government and thus our country "In 2016 we need a president."
She proposed a campaign plan to engage and win over unenrolled, independent, disconnected voters who are too busy or disinterested to follow news events, or are confused by them.  She advised that we need to keep the message direct, short and simple.
Her preference was:  "If you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom if you fight for it."
Barbara and I both voted for Ted Cruz in the primary, but Trump was a close second choice for us to shake up the establishment status quo.  If Barbara was still among us, on Tuesday Donald Trump would have one more vote.  [Read one of her last columns, on the presidential race, a month before she passed away, here.]
"This election is the most important one of our lives" we hear every election cycle.  This time the warning is real.  The future of The United States of America will be decided forevermore on Tuesday.
The stakes have never been higher, thus the campaign for the presidency has been grueling and one of the nastiest.
If you need a little uplifting inspiration, watch Barbara's hopeful message in the video that follows.

Chip Ford
Executive Director


Barbara's Election Plan for 2016 - "The Undecided Voter"
"In 2016 we need a president."
April 13, 2014

Click the image above to watch Barbara's keynote speech,


Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665