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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sen. Rosenberg takes another stab at killing ballot questions

The revised bill (S 2264) was released Monday by the Senate Committee on Ethics and Rules, chaired by Majority Leader Stanley Rosenberg, and scheduled for debate on Tuesday. A similar bill cleared the House in late June....

One section added by Rosenberg’s committee would require, starting in 2015, that the voter guides mailed to citizens prior to an election include a brief note written by the Executive Office of Administration and Finance explaining the expected impact of a ballot question on state and municipal government finances.

State House News Service
Monday, July 21, 2014
Senate Elections Bill allows bigger donations, forces disclosure

This provision reflects Sen. Rosenberg’s ongoing determination to kill the initiative petition process, which he apparently sees as a threat to one-party rule, bringing in the electorate itself (your constituents) as it does. We are asking Senators to remove this provision, which has already been rejected by the House.

CLT Memo to the State Senate
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Warning it may make it more difficult for any initiative petition to be approved, Citizens for Limited Taxation is calling on the state Senate to strike from its campaign finance bill (S 2264) a provision requiring voter guides - in addition to statements describing the impacts of “yes” and “no” votes on ballot questions - to also include a note from the Executive Office of Administration and Finance assessing the impact of a ballot question on state and municipal government finances.

In a memo released Tuesday, ahead of afternoon debate on the bill, CLT noted the provision was dropped in House-Senate conference committee talks on a previous election-related bill and suggested the measure would enable a “hostile governor” to direct his budget chief to “write a note claiming that ‘the initiative would cost too much; prove that it wouldn’t.’” ...

A CLT official said the group has contacted Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr’s office to urge him to sponsor an amendment striking the measure. CLT's Barbara Anderson said Sen. Robert Hedlund and Rep. Brian Dempsey were helpful in dropping the measure from early voting legislation that was ultimately signed into law.

State House News Service
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
CLT opposed Senate plan to put fiscal not on ballot question

A motion by Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr to print amendments to a super PAC disclosure bill cut short Tuesday's Senate session and postponed further consideration of the bill until Wednesday.

State House News Service
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Tarr motions delays for a day debate on SuperPAC-Donations bill

Barbara Anderson's CLT Commentary

Last spring state Senator Stanley Rosenberg (D-Amherst) long an enemy of the initiative petition process placed a provision in an elections issue bill that would require a “fiscal impact statement” from the Secretary of Administration and Finance be printed along with the already-required ballot titles and Yes-No arguments. Sen. Bob Hedlund (R-Weymouth) gave us a heads-up on that provision, and we defeated it.

See:  CLT News Release, Mar. 28, 2014: S. 1981, an Act to Kill the Initiative and Referendum Process

More from Barbara's Facebook Page:

This week, we got a heads-up from House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading) about another election issue bill to which Rosenberg just attached that same language in the Senate version. A vote is expected [on Wednesday]. Sen. Hedlund has filed an amendment to remove the offensive provision.

CLT is waiting for the state Senate debate to begin on the Election Laws bill that came out of Committee with another of Sen. Stan Rosenberg's attacks on the initiative petition process in it. He wants to require the Secretary of State's red voter information booklet to carry a statement from a governor's Secretary of Administration and Finance about the fiscal impact of any initiative petition.

Can you see it now? "Any tax cut or limit: this will be the end of civilization as we know it prove that it won't." Thanks to Minority Leader Brad Jones for calling our attention to this Monday night. We expect Sen. Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) will be trying to remove the language today.

FYI It was state Sen. Bob Hedlund, our go-to guy on initiative petition issues, who first brought this Rosenberg language to our attention last spring when it was in a bill on voter registration. With the help of Minority Leader Brad Jones and House Republicans, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Brian Dempsey (D-Haverhill), and Secretary of State Bill Galvin, we were able to remove the language. Now it shows up in a bill on election law disclosure. With Sen. Rosenberg expected to become Senate President next year, I expect we'll be seeing attacks on the initiative petition process popping out in all kinds of bills.

Barbara Anderson


State House News Service
Monday, July 21, 2014

Senate Elections Bill allows bigger donations, forces disclosure
By Matt Murphy

STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, JULY 21, 2014….With the September primary elections seven weeks away, the Senate on Tuesday will debate a revised campaign finance bill that would force super PACs into the timely disclosure of contributors in an attempt by lawmakers to add transparency to the political process in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

The bill would double the individual campaign contribution limit to $1,000 a year, but the first change to the donation limits in 20 years would not take effect until January. The bill also allows state committees to set up legal defense funds, and authorizes statewide candidate committees to donate up to $100 to another candidate, but not more than an aggregate total of $1,500 a year to other candidates.

The revised bill (S 2264) was released Monday by the Senate Committee on Ethics and Rules, chaired by Majority Leader Stanley Rosenberg, and scheduled for debate on Tuesday. A similar bill cleared the House in late June.

The bill would require super PACs, which are independent expenditure committees allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections, to disclose the sources of their funding within seven days of making an expenditure. That disclosure window would shrink to 24 hours starting 10 days before a primary or general election.

“We tried to keep it fairly close,” Rosenberg said Monday, referring to relatively small number of changes his committee made to the House bill.

The court's free speech ruling in Citizens United opened up opportunities for super PACs to accept unlimited donations from unions and corporations, as well as wealthy individuals, as they seek to influence the outcomes of elections.

Several super PACs have already been established in Massachusetts with an eye toward the fall elections, and one group funded by the American Federation of Teachers spent heavily in the final days of last year’s mayoral election in Boston without revealing the source of the funding until after election day.

Despite some outside lobbying for changes to requirements that super PACs list their top five donors at the end of television, Internet or print ads, Rosenberg said the committee bill preserves the House language and adds a requirement that ad sponsors also include a statement directing viewers to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance website for more detailed information on donors.

The revised bill also makes clear that the “top 5” requirement applies to super PAC ads run in connection with ballot questions, but does not cover radio advertisements.

“It’s a terrific bill. I’m glad the top five donor disclosure is in there. I think it’s a clearer, more enforceable provision,” said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts.

Wilmot said she hoped the differences with the House could be ironed out quickly after Tuesday’s expected favorable vote, preferably without going to a six-member conference committee.

“We really need this for the upcoming elections. There’s going to be an astronomical amount of money spent by super PACs and other outside groups and we really need this information,” Wilmot said.

The bill’s release was delayed by about a week as Senate leaders considered changes to the House legislation, including suggestions made by Secretary of State William Galvin to close a loophole that has allowed some candidates to withhold the names of individual donors until the end of a reporting cycle even though they have already deposited the funds into their campaign accounts. Galvin said some Republican candidates have been exploiting the loophole, including his opponent David D’Arcangelo.

“We took a look at that and think that’s a good idea,” said Rosenberg, adding that it might get added on the floor through an amendment.

Rosenberg also said that the bill does not address Galvin’s concerns about complying with a new law before the Sept. 9 primary that requires the transliteration of candidate names on Boston ballots into Chinese and Vietnamese, but said he expected an amendment to be filed for that as well.

One section added by Rosenberg’s committee would require, starting in 2015, that the voter guides mailed to citizens prior to an election include a brief note written by the Executive Office of Administration and Finance explaining the expected impact of a ballot question on state and municipal government finances.

While the bill does not change the maximum cash contribution limit of $50, it does allow contributions of up to $100 by money order or bank check. Wilmot said she believed her organization “could live with” the change because money orders and bank checks “can still be traced, even if it’s more difficult.”

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Re: The Election Laws bill that is on its way to the Senate floor

To: Members of the Massachusetts Senate;

The State House News Service reports: “One section added by Rosenberg’s committee would require, starting in 2015, that the voter guides mailed to citizens prior to an election include a brief note written by the Executive Office of Administration and Finance explaining the expected impact of a ballot question on state and municipal government finances.”

As we successfully argued when this provision was defeated in the House, this provision could make it unnecessarily difficult for almost any group to pass almost any initiative petition, since a hostile governor could direct his A&F Secretary to write a note claiming that “the initiative would cost too much; prove that it wouldn’t.”

This provision reflects Sen. Rosenberg’s ongoing determination to kill the initiative petition process, which he apparently sees as a threat to one-party rule, bringing in the electorate itself (your constituents) as it does. We are asking Senators to remove this provision, which has already been rejected by the House.

State House News Service
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
State Capitol Briefs - Lunch edition

CLT opposed Senate plan to put fiscal not on ballot question
By Michael Norton

Warning it may make it more difficult for any initiative petition to be approved, Citizens for Limited Taxation is calling on the state Senate to strike from its campaign finance bill (S 2264) a provision requiring voter guides - in addition to statements describing the impacts of “yes” and “no” votes on ballot questions - to also include a note from the Executive Office of Administration and Finance assessing the impact of a ballot question on state and municipal government finances.

In a memo released Tuesday, ahead of afternoon debate on the bill, CLT noted the provision was dropped in House-Senate conference committee talks on a previous election-related bill and suggested the measure would enable a “hostile governor” to direct his budget chief to “write a note claiming that ‘the initiative would cost too much; prove that it wouldn’t.’”

As the News Service reported Monday, the provision was added by Sen. Stanley Rosenberg’s Ethics and Rules Committee.

CLT alleged the provision “reflects Sen. Rosenberg’s ongoing determination to kill the initiative petition process . . . “

The Senate bill calls for a statement of not more than 100 words and outlines a process whereby any 50 voters pay petition the Supreme Judicial Court to require that the statement be amended, with the court required to issue an order requiring an amendment only if it is clear that the statement is “false, misleading or inconsistent” with the requirements of the law.

If the measure survives continuing debate over the bill, the provision would begin to take effect in 2015, after this year’s elections.

A CLT official said the group has contacted Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr’s office to urge him to sponsor an amendment striking the measure. CLT's Barbara Anderson said Sen. Robert Hedlund and Rep. Brian Dempsey were helpful in dropping the measure from early voting legislation that was ultimately signed into law.

State House News Service
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
State Capitol Briefs - Afternoon edition

Tarr motions delays for a day debate on SuperPAC-Donations bill
By Michael Norton

A motion by Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr to print amendments to a super PAC disclosure bill cut short Tuesday's Senate session and postponed further consideration of the bill until Wednesday. Tarr suggested support for the bill from Senate Republicans and said printing the amendments would lead to a more productive debate on the bill on Wednesday.
Election Laws Committee Co-chairman Sen. Barry Finegold unsuccessfully bid to change Tarr's mind by cautioning that delaying action on the bill may threaten its ultimate success since it's likely that a House-Senate conference committee will need to hammer out a consensus bill in time for a vote by July 31, when formal sessions end for the year.

Senators have filed 12 amendments to the bill (S 2264).


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