Friday, March 28, 2014

S. 1981, an Act to Kill the Initiative and Referendum Process
and the new petition to end the automatic gas tax hikes

Presently in conference committee: sneak attack on the automatic gas tax petition,
as part of the Senate version of the Election Law bill.


Citizens for Limited Taxation has for years been successfully opposing Sen. Rosenberg’s assault on the initiative petition process (in a bill titled “An Act to protect the integrity of initiative and referendum petitions,” isn’t that cute?) so we haven’t been worried about his S. 332, though with his assumed ascent to the Senate Presidency, we fear this may change.


Meanwhile, he seems to be settling temporarily on one provision that has done serious damage to taxpayers’ ability to use the petition process in other states, and could be used unfairly to defeat the automatic gas tax repeal petition presently moving through the process toward the Nov. 2014 ballot.


That provision, part of the Election Law bill in conference,  would require a “fiscal impact statement” from the Secretary of Administration and Finance be printed along with the already-required ballot titles and Yes-No arguments (which by definition are a balance). On any taxpayer issue, we can easily imagine the statement from a hostile governor’s office: “If this passes civilization will end.”  Or, in the case of the gas tax question, “if this passes all the roads and bridges will crumble; prove that they won’t.”


The provision includes an appeals process that is meant to appear fair but has been used in other states to tie up petition advocates in court when they need all their resources to collect signatures and prepare a ballot campaign.


CLT has never had a problem with statements overseen by the Secretary of State’s office, which is independent of the governor and legislative branches, but bringing in the Governor’s Secretariat is a direct threat. We hope the Legislature continues to honor the initiative petition process, used by the left, right and center of the political spectrum, as well as animal lovers and environmentalists, and that the people’s right to make their own laws will actually be “protected.”


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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665