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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Forum with CATO's Michael Tanner

The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance hosted an event on Tuesday evening, with CLT and the Greater-Boston Tea Party invited to co-host.  We invited CLT members and were delighted to see that several attended. I’m sure they found this very-informative forum worth the autumn drive to Lexington, where they met with other like-minded folks to hear the keynote-speaker who has done extensive research into problems which we all recognize.

That speaker was Michael Tanner, senior-fellow and co-author of CATO Institute's recent report, "The Work Versus Welfare Trade-Off; 2013."

Also a guest-speaker was state Representative Shaunna O'Connell, who has led the charge in the Massachusetts Legislature for EBT Card reform and reform of other exposed welfare abuses.

So many of government budget burdens and incentives/disincentives were clearly laid out.

Massachusetts at its current trajectory is setting all of us up for destitution.


From CATO's Michael Tanner we learned that Massachusetts is the third-most generous state for providing taxpayer assistance to the non-productive behind number one, Hawaii, which is an anomaly due to its high cost of far-offshore island living costs, and Washington, DC.  Massachusetts is also among the lowest states in the federal tier of requiring proof-of-work-or-search-for-work.

Why work when the productive yoked in taxpayer servitude will provide?

These are truly challenging times.

Click on below images to enlarge  
The forum panel, left to right: State. Rep. Shaunna O'Connell, Cato's Michael Tanner, Greater-Boston Tea Party's Christine Morabito, Mass. Fiscal Alliance's Paul Craney, and CLT's Chip Faulkner Michael Tanner makes his Powerpoint presentation Michael Tanner State Rep. Shaunna O'Connell speaking on the state's welfare benefits problems and her efforts to reform EBT Cards and other benefits.  
State Rep. Shaunna O'Connell The panel takes questions from the audience CLT's Chip Faulkner moderated the discussion CLT's Barbara Anderson and Chip Ford  

This forum was a reunion for Barbara, Chip Faulkner, and CATO's Michael Tanner.  Our keynote speaker from Washington, DC is not only a Bay State native of North Adams, but ran for the Burlington/Bedford seat in the state House of Representatives in 1982 and 1984. Both times CLT's 2½ PAC endorsed him.


Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665