and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tol’ya So, Suckahs
Liberal activists meet today to plot higher taxes

For Immediate Release

You may have interpreted the defeat of Question 1 thus: It went too far.  Public anger was understandable, but this proposal was "risky and reckless."

But as we predicted, Beacon Hill interpreted it thus:  Voters are OK with higher tolls and taxes.  And even if they’re not, they’ll put up with them, and re-elect the same politicians who pass them.  Yay!!!!

It’s been two whole weeks since the election.  Already the state is moving to double the cost of tolls.  This will be followed or combined with a gas tax increase.

And Sunday on the Blue Mass Group blog, Judy Meredith had an essay titled:  "What did we vote for?"  She answered her own question in a call for the anti-Question 1 coalition to stay together and meet today to discuss strategy for higher taxes.

"The ONE Massachusetts Network is about to begin a statewide debriefing project to learn more from our communities and organizational members:  Which public structures do you rely and place value on, and where do those structures need improvement?

"What sort of changes need to be made to restore your faith that AN INCREASE IN TAXES would be spent wisely and collected fairly?  (Emphasis mine).

"ONE Massachusetts' job is not to craft the content of a tax reform package, but to help our network of statewide and community-based organizations to develop a membership education program around tax and budget policy, and to empower them to participate in the upcoming public debate by declaring that their communities UNDERSTAND THE NEED FOR ADDITIONAL REVENUES – as long as they are fairly collected and effectively used."

Gee, shouldn’t they start by showing the EXISTING revenues are effectively used?

CLT interpreted the defeat of Question 1 thus:  The usual pols, liberals, tax-eaters and business community suck-ups – plus, understandably, senior citizens and others who bought the $7 million union message that property taxes would go up if Question 1 passed and were afraid – voted NO.

Since we all seem to be in agreement that property taxes shouldn’t go up, CLT is sure we were all pleased to see almost every Prop 2˝ override that appeared on the Nov. 4 ballot go down in defeat.  We are filing a bill to end overrides on local ballots, requiring that they appear ONLY on the biennial statewide ballot.

For those who weren’t around in 1980, that was the provision in the original Proposition 2˝ ballot question when the voters passed it.  Time to return to our roots.

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