and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Memo to the Members of the Joint Committee on Revenues
S. 2521, tax on plastic bags

To:   Members of the Joint Committee on Revenues
         March 12, 2008
Re:   S. 2521, tax on plastic bags

Citizens for Limited Taxation is opposed to S. 2521 for these reasons:

1.  With a 5th highest per capita tax burden, Massachusetts should not be passing new taxes.  Food costs are up and consumers don’t need to pay more, either as a direct tax per bag or the pass-through from an excise on the grocery stores.

2.  The sponsors of this bill are tagging along behind a movement that doesn’t need government intervention.  Whole Foods is already requiring its customers to use cloth bags.  Other large grocery stores are selling inexpensive sacks and have plastic bag recycling boxes at the door.  Environmental groups, consumer groups, Scouts, etc. can make this a project and get the job done.

3.  This bill excludes paper bags.  Aside from lacking concern about trees, its sponsors have apparently never lived downwind or downstream from a paper mill.

CLT does support H. 4469, the initiative petition of Carla Howell and others to repeal the income tax.

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