Free Gerald Amirault!

Free at Last!
April 30, 2004

These reports are in reverse-chronological order, the most recent appearing at the top.
To read them in chronological order, start at the bottom and read up.


Gerald Amirault joins CLT staff for Prop 2½ study - Apr. 8, 2005
Truly free at last!
Gerry goes sailing - Oct. 14, 2004 - by Chip Ford
Mother's Day came early for Violet Amirault,
may she rest in peace - May 6, 2004

by Barbara Anderson
Gerry Amirault:  Free at last!
May 1, 2004
Gerald Amirault's Freedom
The Wall Street Journal - Apr. 30, 2004
DA decides: Case closed/Analysis
The Boston Herald - Apr. 22, 2004
State won't try to keep Tooky in can
The Boston Herald - Apr. 22, 2004
Amirault will soon be a free man
The Boston Globe - Apr. 22, 2004
Gerald Amirault's Day
The Wall Street Journal - Oct. 20, 2003
Tooky's wife: Prison bars can't divide us
Amiraults await end of long ordeal 
The Boston Herald - Oct. 19, 2003

by Margery Eagan
A Boston Herald Editorial
Amirault case now closed - Oct. 18, 2003
Parole board votes to free Tooky
The Boston Herald - Oct. 18, 2003
Board grants parole to Amirault
The Boston Globe - Oct. 18, 2003
Freedom for Gerry Amirault again denied - Mar. 17, 2003
Middlesex DA knew of priest's abuse
The MetroWest Daily News - Jan. 26, 2003
The danger of false accusations
The Boston Globe - Op-Ed - Apr. 22, 2002

by Cathy Young
Swift proves she's just another politician with Amirault decision
The Salem Evening News - Feb. 27, 2002

by Barbara Anderson
UnSwift Justice
The Wall Street Journal - Feb. 21, 2002
Jane's take on Tooky shows her cowardice
The Boston Herald - Feb. 21, 2002

by Margery Eagan
A Boston Herald Editorial
Amirault decision victim of timing - Feb. 21, 2002
Why Swift should free Amirault
The Boston Globe - Op-Ed - Aug. 17, 2001

by James M. Shannon
Witnesses for the Prosecution
The Wall Street Journal - Aug. 8, 2001

by Dorothy Rabinowitz
A Salem Evening News Editorial
Amirault should be freed - Jul 18, 2001
A Lowell Sun Editorial
Swift must free Amirault - Jul 15, 2001
Plenty of heroes in the Amirault case; Gov. Swift can be one too
The Salem News - Jul 14, 2001

by Barbara Anderson
Truth and Justice Prevail
The Wall Street Journal - Letters to the Editor - Jul. 11, 2001

from Harvey Silverglate
A Boston Globe Editorial
Time for commutation - Jul. 11, 2001
A Worcester Telegram & Gazette Editorial
Free Amirault - Jul. 10, 2001
A Boston Herald Editorial
It's about fairness, not about innocence - Jul. 10. 2001
Swift's aides seen leaning in favor of freeing Amirault
The Boston Globe - Jul. 10, 2001
Gerald Amirault has reason to celebrate
The Wall Street Journal - Jul. 9, 2001

by Dorothy Rabinowitz
Memories questioned ... Studies say kids can be easily led
The Boston Herald - Jul. 8, 2001

by Tom Mashberg

A message from Barbara Anderson:
Parole Board votes unanimously to commute
Gerald Amirault's sentence - Jul. 7, 2001

Massachusetts Parole Board
Majority Opinion on Amirault Case - Jul. 6, 2001
Dorothy Rabinowitz awarded Pulitzer
The Wall Street Journal - Apr. 17, 2001

Memo from Barbara Anderson:
Gerald Amirault Commutation Hearing in September - Aug. 27, 2000

Amirault appeal
Absent further evidence, commutation is only fair
The Worcester Telegram & Gazette - Aug. 26, 2000

Amirault will get a release hearing
The Boston Globe - Aug. 22, 2000
Amirault's commutation would close chapter of '80s spate of child-abuse prosecutions
The Boston Herald - Jul. 7, 2001

Analysis / by Tom Mashberg
State panel votes to free Amirault
Parole board rules issue is one of 'fairness'
The Boston Globe - Jul. 7, 2001
'Free Tooky': Parole board votes to commute sentence
The Boston Herald - Jul. 7, 2001

Mr. Cellucci's Ambassadorship
The Wall Street Journal - Apr. 2, 2001

A Request from the Amirault Family - Mar. 27, 2000

A Juror Has Second Thoughts
The Wall Street Journal - May 12, 2000

by Dorothy Rabinowitz

Governor Cellucci's Chance
The Wall Street Journal - Apr. 20, 2000

New Day for the Accused
The Wall Street Journal - Mar. 24, 2000

Only in Massachusetts
The Wall Street Journal - Dec. 29, 1999

by Dorothy Rabinowitz

Cheryl Amirault Is Freed
The Wall Street Journal - Oct. 22, 1999

by Dorothy Rabinowicz

The Pursuit Of Justice, Continued
The Wall Street Journal - Oct. 7, 1999

by Dorothy Rabinowitz

Justice Waits: Retrial a Must in Fells Acres Case
The Worcester Telegram & Gazette - Sep. 16, 1999
Travesty Of Justice
Editorial:  Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly - Sep. 13, 1999
Latest Decision Proves Hysteria Still Runs Rampant in Bay State
Aug. 1999

by Barbara Anderson
Justice in Massachusetts
The Wall Street Journal - Aug. 24, 1999

by Dorothy Rabinowitz
State Supreme Judicial Kangaroo Court's August, 1999 Decision
'Finality' for the Amiraults
The Wall Street Journal - Jun. 30, 1999

by Dorothy Rabinowicz
A Citizen of Massachusetts
The Wall Street Journal - May 15, 1996
The Children Behind Glass
The Wall Street Journal - May 15, 1996

by Dorothy Rabinowitz
A Darkness in Massachusetts - III
The Wall Street Journal - May 12, 1995

by Dorothy Rabinowitz
A Darkness in Massachusetts - II
The Wall Street Journal - Mar. 14, 1995

by Dorothy Rabinowitz
A Darkness in Massachusetts
The Wall Street Journal - Jan. 30, 1995

by Dorothy Rabinowitz

The Tragic and True Tale of the Amirault Family of Malden, Massachusetts
The complete history of this travesty of justice.
by Bob Chatelle

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