So-Called Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation:
The Fat-Cats'  Trojan Horse

Review its longstanding anti-taxpayer tax-and-spend record

“Calling Michael Widmer’s MTF a 'taxpayer organization' is like calling a pride of lions 'gazelle rights advocates.'”

–  Michael Graham
The Boston Herald
Apr. 28, 2009

Who Is This So-Called Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation?
Boston Herald:  Tax group's $ forecast is hardly a sure bet (Jul. 31, 1991)
Despite it's name, this group has a spotty record helping taxpayers
By Barbara Anderson  (Jan. 19, 1999)
MTF opposes Gov. Cellucci's initiative to reduce the state income tax rate,
income tax credit for tolls and auto excise taxes (Jan. 18, 2000)
So-called Mass. Taxpayers Foundation: How accurate is it ... this time?
CLT challenges MTF: Put last two decades of revenue projections on your website
CLT NEWS RELEASE  (Jan 22, 2002)
MTF sets the stage for tax increase, more spending  (Jan 23, 2002)
Who is this so-called MTF?
Whose prediction is accurate: Widmer's ... or Greenspan's?
CLT NEWS RELEASE  (Jan 25, 2002)
MTF: Instigating class warfare  (Feb 8, 2002)
Like Enron, MTF is "nonpartisan"  (Feb 9, 2002)
Tax group turns left on hikes
Conservative watchdog group backing tax, fare hikes
By Cosmo Macero Jr.
The Boston Herald  (Feb 20, 2002)
MTF finally outed as shill for "corporate elite"  (Feb 22, 2002)
MTF: wrong again, backpeddling, but still wants tax rollback freeze
Tracking the track record of the so-called Mass. Taxpayers Foundation
(Watchdogs watching the "watchdogs")  (Mar 7, 2002)
Gov. Swift to attack MTF on its tax hike scheme;
to call business elite "cynical"  (Mar 18, 2002)
Governor Jane Swift's
Speech to the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation  (Mar 19, 2002)
Report of Sen. Baddour's forum  (May 16, 2002)
MTF's latest wish list that won't happen, again!  (May 29, 2002)
Legislators have tasted taxpayers' blood  (Jun 6, 2002)
MTF calls for bigger tax increase  (Jun 7, 2002)
Widmer and MTF step in it again (Jun 12, 2002)
Carla Howell takes on MTF's Widmer tonight  (Aug 27, 2002)
It's payback time for MTF and others  (Nov 8, 2002)
MTF fires up Finneran's Tax Hike Express  (Feb 5, 2003)
Making progress exposing MTF  (Feb 13, 2003)
MTF pushes sales tax hike on average taxpayers,
exempts its Fat Cat members  (Feb 17, 2003)
Fat Cat MTF decrees Romney plan doomed  (Feb 24, 2003)
MTF exposed, as tax opposition among public steady  (Apr 7, 2003)
Tax group shows muscle, irks critics  (Apr 7, 2003)
Dem's/MTF's solution: Borrow the state out of debt?  (Apr 21, 2003)
Borrowing the state out of debt is back on the table  (May 7, 2003)
Rampant hypocrisy exposed after Romney's budget vetoes  (Jul 1, 2003)
7th highest state pension debt with MTF's help aiming for #1?  (Sep 19, 2003)
Like Social Security, the societal balance of trade is shifting  (Oct 18, 2003)
MTF cheers on Olympic distance runner Romney  (Oct 27, 2003)
Tax holiday proposed; but bogus tax hike study arrives  (Oct 26, 2003)
MTF forced to out itself in desperation  (Oct 29, 2003)
MTF: the definition incarnate of "narrow special interest"  (Nov 2, 2003)
National teachers union investigated by IRS:
Is MTA and MTF next?  (Nov 25, 2003)
MTF spending study pointless and wrong
A Boston Herald editorial  (Nov 26, 2003)
Thanksgiving:  MTF exposed again (Nov 26, 2003)
MTF correctly ID'd by Springfield newspaper ... even if by mistake  (Dec 1, 2003)
Revenue climbing, residents bailing out, Big Dig party spiked  (Dec 15, 2003)
MTF now defends costly union monopoly  (Dec 16, 2003)
Kriss hammered again for daring to speak the obvious  (Dec 17, 2003)
Gov. Romney calls for "unfreezing" tax rollback
Gimme Lobby predictably erupts  (May 4, 2004)
Business groups rip Romney's Pike plan  (May 7, 2004)
MTF Trojan Horse rolled out: Taking care of its own, again!  (Jun 8, 2004)
MTF, Boston Globe team up for higher taxes, again  (Sep 9, 2004)
Big-Business Fat-Cats shill again
MTF to issue another "report" against tax rollback  (Oct 10, 2004)
Who's MTF protecting now?
CLT NEWS RELEASE  (Oct 12, 2004)
This calculated MTF report "isn't passing the sniff test"  (Oct 15, 2004)
"Override Fatigue" -- MTF's words!  (Oct 24, 2004)
MTF, MTA battle rages over campaigns of deception  (Oct 26, 2004)
MTF vs. BHI: Battling news releases  (Dec 6, 2004)
Gov's bigger budget: "Still not enough"  (Jan 27, 2005)
Beacon Hill hearings begin; Widmer flaunts MTF's true agenda  (Apr 6, 2005)
MTF column is ammunition for tax-and-spend "TEAM"  (Apr 27, 2005)
Wrong as usual and despite $1B surplus, MTF still fights against rollback  (May 3, 2005)
"Hamill Commission II" attacks Prop 2˝  (Aug 29, 2005)
MTF wants to raise your taxes, again!  (Sep 7, 2005)
MTF Fat-Cats crusade for more as voters demand tax cut  (Sep 13, 2005)
State revenue soars while pols still play games with voters' tax cut  (Oct. 4, 2005)
The Fat Cats can't decide . . . but we can!  (Oct. 6, 2005)
"Don’t speak when you can nod, don’t nod when you can wink"
and now, don’t vote when you can dodge (Oct. 7, 2005)
Next round of big spending planned as state coffers overflow, all over again (Oct. 15, 2005)
Retro Tax fallout: Reading between the lines  (Dec. 2, 2005)
It's official: Legislature repeals Retro Tax  (Dec. 6, 2005)
So-called Mass. Taxpayers Foundation again runs cover for tax-and-spenders  (Jan 6, 2006)
No matter how you look at it, blame MTF  (Jan 11, 2006)
MTF:  The tax and borrow lobby  (Apr 20, 2006)
State Senate unanimously backhands taxpayers, voters  (May 25, 2006)
Some say tax issues aren't important . . .   (Sep 6, 2006)
All Three Blind Mice see the light!  (Sep 7, 2006)
MTF leads tax-and-spenders' push for gas tax hike  (Oct 17, 2006)
MTF's Widmer devasted by toll abolition  (Oct 19, 2006)
MTF gives state borrowing the green light, again  (Dec 7, 2006)
MTF covers for Gov. Patrick's property tax relief retreat  (Jan 9, 2007)
Connecting the dots to taxpayers disaster:  Someday never comes (Jan 18, 2007)
MTF steps in it again as other states cut taxes big   (Jan 27, 2007)
MTF calls for broad-based, not business, taxes  (Feb 23, 2007)
CLT, MTF again on opposite sides of tax hikes  (May 4, 2007)
Here we go again, another MTF-backed spending splurge  (May 13, 2007)
"More Is Never Enough" but revolution is in the air  (Feb 7, 2008)
The case for raising taxes:  More revenue needed to keep government functioning
By Brian T. Watson - The Salem News  (Feb. 6, 2008)
The tax revolt is happening -- join in!  (May 12, 2008)
State spending exploding, slowed only by repeal threat  (Jun. 25, 2008)
MTF's Michael Widmer:
Caught red-handed in another shameless deception of taxpayers  (Sep. 17, 2008)
MTF's Widmer campaigns against income tax repeal  (Sep. 19, 2008)
Find another way to send a message
By Michael J. Widmer - The Boston Globe  (Sep. 21, 2008)
MTF “Analysis” – Pure Political Propaganda
CLT NEWS RELEASE  (Oct. 8, 2008)
So-Called Mass. Taxpayers Foundation,
Big-Business Fat-Cat Allies, Stripped Naked!  (Mar. 9, 2009)
Biz groups fuming at fuel tax
See reform lacking  (Apr. 3, 2009)
Gov’s a hero at least for now
By Michael Graham
The Boston Herald  (Apr. 28, 2009)
Calling Michael Widmer’s MTF a 'taxpayer organization'
is like calling a pride of lions 'gazelle rights advocates.'”
Surprised anyone?
MTF “likely” to oppose sales tax cut ballot question
State House News Service  (Mar. 1, 2010)
Widmer, MTF opposes sales tax rollback ballot question
The Boston Globe  (Jun 24, 2010)
So-called MTF, the Trojan Horse, strikes again  (Sep 30, 2010)
Once again, MTF steps on cost-savings and reforms by supporting new taxes
(Apr 29, 2011)
More MTF and Widmer on the CLT website