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Tongue-in-Cheek Tips from a Taxpayer Activist
What to expect from Proposition 2½ override supporters

Originally published by the Wakefield Daily Item, February 2012

How to Galvinize Wakefield
By Mark Sardella

February 23, 2012

The campaign to sell the town of Wakefield a new Galvin Middle School is already gathering steam and is likely to continue unabated through the May Annual Town Meeting and beyond.

It’s going to be a hard sell. With a $74,740,254, price tag, building a brand new, state-of-the-art middle school is going to require the town to pass a debt exclusion under Proposition 2½. That will mean a $175 bump on the average homeowner’s annual property tax bill.

But not to worry. I can offer some tried and true, surefire strategies for “educating” taxpayers and convincing even the stingiest among them to fork over more dough. Unlike building a new school, my advice is free – and I trust you’ll find it worth every penny. . . . MORE