A Ballot Committee of Citizens for Limited Taxation


Tax Rollback Committee

McCormack Post Office Box 1988 · Boston, MA 02105 · 617.338.2174


September 28, 2000
Contact: Bobby Matthews - (617) 338-2174

Tax Rollback Committee
rebuts coalition's scare tactics

The Tax Rollback Committee today dismissed the Coalition for Quality Health Care's assertion that the tax rollback would affect health care services in Massachusetts.

"Despite Senator Birmingham's reluctance, we've been able to cut almost $3 billion in taxes over the last ten years. As a result, revenues are up over sixty percent and we're making great strides in access to quality health care" noted Paul Melkonian, Chairman of the Tax Rollback Committee. "Our uninsured rates are under six percent -- two and a half times below the national standard. We're the federal model for insuring children - with an uninsured rate below three percent. Our prescription drug plan is among the most comprehensive and innovative in the nation and we were the first in the country to extend Medicaid coverage to people diagnosed with HIV and not full blown AIDS."

The Tax Rollback Committee and A Promise to Keep 5% are the official ballot committees for supporters of Question 4 in November. A 'yes' vote on Question 4 will roll the state income tax back to five percent -- providing the average working family almost $500 in additional annual income. It will also force accountability on the Legislature after they 'temporarily' increased the rate from five percent in 1989.

"Yesterday Birmingham favored an alternative tax cut, today he claims we can't afford a tax cut, and tomorrow he'll claim the tax hike wasn't 'temporary'," Melkonian said. "Taxpayers aren't buying it. They're getting tired of special interests warning that the sky is falling. Beacon Hill is rolling in surpluses and it's time to rollback the 'temporary' tax."

Recent polls show that over seventy percent of voters favor rolling the income tax back to five percent.