A Ballot Committee of Citizens for Limited Taxation



August 31, 2000

Contact: Chip Ford - (781) 631-6842 or
Barbara Anderson - (508) 384-0100

A Tax Cut is a Pay Raise!
Question 4 campaign begins on Labor Day
with ad aimed at union opposition to the income tax rollback

A Promise to Keep: 5%, the ballot committee of Citizens for Limited Taxation, will kick off its grassroots campaign to rollback the temporary income tax rate with radio ads airing Monday.

Labor Day, besides being the traditional start of the fall campaign season, is a day dedicated to working people. Taxpayer activists are reaching out to workers to support Question 4, which will increase their take-home pay.

This is the text of the ad, which will air on WRKO throughout the day with Blute and Moes, Rush Limbaugh, Howie Carr, and Kramer & McCarthy, on WMEX during the Gene Burns Program, and on WEEI midday:

Workers of Massachusetts, unite! You have nothing to lose but a tax that we were promised would be temporary.

As working men and women celebrate Labor Day, they should know that Question 4 on the November ballot, the income tax rollback, would give working people a welcome increase in their take-home pay!

Yet some union leaders are opposing Question 4. Since any tax cut is a pay raise, why would they deny AFL-CIO and teacher union members a pay hike?

And don't forget, when unions negotiate a wage increase with employers, their members must pay taxes on the increase. If Question 4 passes, the state income tax rate will drop to 5%, and save working people money.

For more information, and a list of the unions who are opposed to this pay raise, visit the Citizens for Limited Taxation web site at www.cltg.org, or call 508-384-0100.

And Vote Yes on 4.

Paid for by A Promise to Keep: 5%.