Post Office Box 1147    Marblehead, Massachusetts  01945    (508) 915-3665

"Tobacco Settlement" Project Logo

CLT's "Tobacco Settlement"
Taxpayer Reimbursement Bill

CLT's "Let's Make Smoking History"
Smoker's Tax Recovery Bill

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One Honest Attorney General:
Charles M. Condon of South Carolina

"These funds - the $2.2 billion dollars designated for South Carolina - are reimbursements - reimbursements to the taxpayers of our state for dollars already spent."

Tobacco Settlement Funds:
The True Intent and Purpose for the Money
A list of numerous public statements on the alleged intent and purpose
for the states' tobacco litigation -- now conveniently forgotten.

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How other states are spending their
Tobacco Settlement "Taxpayers Reimbursement"

(And it's not just for "Tobacco Control" or more "Health Programs"!)

Feb 16, 2000 Connections: The Income Tax Rollback, the Big Dig, and the Tobacco Settlement - NEWS RELEASE
Jun 23, 1999 Chip Ford's Testimony before the Taxation Committee on CLT's Bill
for Return of the "Tobacco Settlement" Reimbursement to the Taxpayers (S.1635)
May 26. 1999 NTU Study: States Systematically Squander Tobacco Settlements
Apr 13, 1999 "Taxpayers Owed Tobacco Money," A Boston Herald Editorial - Pols Want "Trust Fund"
Apr 12, 1999 "About the Tobacco Money," by Jeff Jacoby (Boston Globe)
Apr 08, 1999 CLT's Letter to the Editor Published in The Boston Globe
Apr 06, 1999 Tobacco Settlement Revisionists Strike Again - AG's Op-Ed Column in Boston Globe
Apr 02, 1999 Tobacco Settlement Funds: Truth vs. Campaign of Lies
Mar 24, 1999 The Tobacco Settlement - Give it Back! - CLT MEMO
Feb 21, 1999 "Smoke and Mirrors Deprive Taxpayers of Tobacco Money" by Chip Ford (Boston Sunday Herald)
Feb 09, 1999 "Tobacco Windfall Must Be Spent Wisely," Salem Evening News
Jan 30, 1999 "Tobacco Settlement" Project #1 - Background
Jan 28, 1999 "Tobacco Settlement" Reimbursement - NEWS RELEASE
Dec 10, 1998 "Give the Tobacco Windfall Back to the Taxpayers," by Jeff Jacoby
Dec 03, 1998 Tobacco Settlement Belongs to the Taxpayers

Dec 02, 1998

CLT Files Pro-Taxpayer Legislation for 1999 Session

Return to Special Projects Page

Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665