Citizens for Limited Taxation & Government
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*** CLT&G Update ***
Monday, July 14, 1997
The Boston Herald
Monday, July 14, 1997
Lead Editorial: Our abdicating governor
Our profligate lawmakers pretty much ignored Gov. William Welds proposal for lower taxes. They sent the
governor a budget that says "yes" to every proposal under the sun and still cant spend all the money thats
rolling in, and what does Weld do?
He punts, vetoes only $8 million in the total of $18.4 billion and says hell wait for Septembers updated
revenue estimate before his next move.
The problem is not the*amount* of spending. The problem is the *trend* thats getting established. The
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation says the budget, after the appropriate bookkeeping adjustments, would
actually increase spending by 6.5 percent instead of the apparent 5.5 percent. Thats faster than inflation and
revenue growth.
"The concern is that we build in a rate of increaseand a set of expectations about future expansionthat
cannot be met with reasonable annual growth in state revenues, let alone a future recession," the foundation
"This is the very pattern that ultimately led to fiscal disaster in the late 1980s."
And if *anybody* in Massachusetts ought to know that, its Bill Weld. That disaster helped get him elected;
his early budgets had to cure it. In the face of fierce resistance, he did a good job. All his good work could go
down the drain if the drunken sailor gets hold of the checkbook again.
Weld took office as a tax-cutter and still gives lip-service to the faith. Taking away the revenue bottle is the
one sure way to keep the sailor sober.
The Legislature ignored Welds call to cut the tax rate on "unearned" income in half to the same rate paid on
wages, to lift the telephone tax on Internet providers and to stop taxing military pensions.
What a wimp! If the state could "afford" these cuts in January, it can surely afford them now. The governor
sure wont get any tax cuts from the Legislature without constant pressure and mobilization of public opinion.
Hes surrendering without a fight.
Maybe Welds a little distracted by the prospect of a long Mexican vacation. If thats the case why not let Lt.
Gov. Paul Cellucci move into the corner office now? Nobody else seems to be using it.