Citizens for Limited Taxation & Government
"The Commonwealth Activist Network"
18 Tremont Street #608 * Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 248-0022 * E-Mail:
Visit our web-page at:

*** CLT&G Update ***
Tuesday, June 24, 1997

Greetings folks;

As the results from our petition poll roll in—in response to our recent mailing to the CLT&G membership—and as the Legislature plays around the edges with "minuscule" tax cuts, the media is beginning to pay attention to our proposal(s). Barbara recently was interviewed by Michael Finucane of the Associated Press (if anyone’s read it, would you please fax it to me at 508-531-4374). Yesterday the Boston Herald commented on it, below.

If you haven’t yet, please get your poll preferences back to us quickly. We’ll be announcing the results during the first week of July—and that’s only a week off. (If you haven’t received your CLT&G ballot in the mail, contact me immediately at

Chip Ford

The Boston Herald
Monday, June 23, 1997


Back in the tax-cut fray

Here are two names we’re happy to see back in the news again

· Barbara Anderson and Citizens for Limited Taxation and Government.

Anderson told the Associated Press that the 9,000 members of her group are being polled on whether they’d like to make their next big cause a reduction in the state’s income tax and the tax on investment income. Frankly we hope they giver her a giant thumbs up on both.

Anderson estimates that the two cuts would return some $800 million to taxpayers. This year the state will enjoy a $400 million *surplus*, but legislators are talking about minuscule tax cuts.

Anderson and CLT have always been good at holding legislative feet to the fire. The time has never been better.