A Ballot Committee of
Citizens for Limited Taxation & Government
PO Box 408 * Peabody, MA 01960
Phone:(617) 248-0022 /(508) 538-3900 E-Mail: cltg@cltg.org
Visit our web-page at: http://cltg.org
***Promise Update ***
Saturday, December 13, 1997
Greetings activists:
Its been a grueling week, and I cant believe its Saturday already, not that this makes any difference from a weekdaytheyre still all workdays for us until this is over. Its been that way for months now, so you members should know that youre sure getting your moneys worth and then some from your dues and contributions!
The dark forces of insatiable greed vs. a small band of committed defenders of besieged taxpayers all this week occupied the 17th floor corridors of One Ashburton Place in Boston, home of the Secretary of States Elections Division. The Massachusetts Teachers Association and TEAM rolled in two big copier machines and about two dozen workers. We rented a big copier, had it moved in on Tuesday. Chip Faulkner and Loretta Hayden immediately began systematically copying all of the thousands of our petitions forms. At the close of business (the states, certainly not ours!) yesterday, we had close to half our petitions copied. We should have them all done by the middle of this coming week.
We attempted to retain a ballot law attorney on Tuesday, only to learn that the two "experts" in the state, Atty. "Hackey" Katzler and Atty. Bill McDermott, had already been hired by the Teachers Union three weeks ago. (Katzler was a high school-mate of Michael Dukakis, served with him as a Brookline selectman, and was the Dukes first campaign manager.) So we retained Atty. Steve Epstein, our Georgetown and Liberty Tree Mall petition drive coordinator. About the same time, the Teachers Union brought in their handwriting analyst as well.
Already, the forces of darkness have found two petitions in our lot that shouldnt have been therean "E" petition and an "L" petition that slipped through our two careful counts and the Secretarys official count, dropping our total into a mere 80-plus signatures over the required 64,928; down from our 117.
We will be filing a counter-challenge in superior court soon to recover some of the signatures that werent certified by the city and town clerks but should have been.
Yesterday, after much foot-dragging, the Secretary of States office finally released a CD-ROM copy of its state voter registration database to mebut the hoops I had to jump though to finally get it, while were on a deadline no less, were . . . well, typical. Its now in the hands of Dan Gregory, a volunteer who has the expertise to convert it into something we can use, and promised to have it done by Monday.
Special thanks also go to John McNear of Manchester, Anne Hilbert of Weymouth, and Norm and Joan Paley of Scituate, whove already jumped in and have been helping with the copying and sorting in Boston.
But now the real fun begins!
We should have a strategy and system in place, and the voter registration database back and in a usable form, by Monday and will be ready to begin scouring out petitions for signatures that *should have been* certified by the city and town clerks -- but werent, for one reason or another.
We will begin needing your help this coming week to pore over our copies of the petitions to find any signatures that the city and town clerks *should* have certified and which we intend to challenge and *have* certified.
If youre available to come into our Boston office any time, please immediately call me (978-538-3900) or Loretta Hayden (617-248-002) or write me at: cltg@cltg.org. If you can take a city or town and carefully inspect each signature on every petition from that municipality against its voter registration list, we desperately need your help too!
I cant begin to tell you just how massive a job this is ahead of usand by how much were out-gunned by the Teachers Union (five-to-one up there all week)!
And these unexpected expenses even thus far are staggering and beyond our ability to afford. (Please send a contribution *fast* of as much as you can afford to keep this going, or well be unable to afford it! A Promise to Keep: 5% - PO Box 408 - Peabody, MA 01960)
The deadline for filing a challenge is Friday, January 2nd
· and that, folks, is nowhere near enough time for even a moment of procrastination. It is why were
still working seven-days-a-week around the clock here at CLT&G.
Thanks for your anticipated assistance. Together we will prevail, but *only* together, as we have so
recently learned.
Chip Ford
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You can e-mail A Promise to Keep: 5% at --> cltg@cltg.org
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