A Ballot Committee of
Citizens for Limited Taxation & Government
PO Box 408 * Peabody, MA 01960
Phone:(617) 248-0022 /(508) 538-3900 E-Mail:
Visit our web-page at:

ONLY * 19 * DAYS LEFT !!!
Before the Wednesday, November 19th Petition Drive Deadline with the City/Town Clerks

*** Promise Update ***
Friday, October 31, 1997

Greetings and Happy Halloween activists;

Only nineteen (19) days remain to collect those thousands of signatures that are still desperately needed.

Only this weekend and two more are left in which to do it and keep the promise.

Remember back in September, when the blank petitions arrived hot off the press and we had all those months and weeks ahead in which to get the signatures? It seemed like we had *plenty* of time to "get to it later."

We don’t have much time left any more. "Later" is here— here and upon us now!

Thanks to the many of you who’ve contacted us with reports on how you’re doing. They’re most encouraging and we appreciate your efforts to get us that much closer to the finish line. If everyone else is putting in a similar effort, just that much more, we’ll be in good shape come the November 19th deadline with the city and town clerks.

But a statewide petition drive to collect 64,928 certified signatures is of necessity a collective effort and takes many hands. A few can’t succeed alone.

As Benjamin Franklin once observed, "We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately."

Time has almost run out. I hope you’ll get out to your local supermarket, post office, town dump, bank, etc., over this weekend and add a few more signatures to the final statewide total.

They may be the ones that make the difference between a promise kept or another promise allowed to be broken, between our success or our failure.

If you’ve been actively collecting signatures, thanks for your effort and commitment so far; please keep at it for a couple more weeks. We need every signature you can get!

If you’ve been putting it off until you have more time, *it’s now or never*; we’re all depending on you in these final days of the drive.

Chip Ford—

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You can e-mail A Promise to Keep: 5% at -->
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