CLT Update
Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Finneran calls for halt of tax rollback

In a meeting with Acting Governor Jane M. Swift and Senate President Thomas F. Birmingham Monday, Finneran suggested postponing a further reduction called for in the tax cut overwhelmingly approved by voters last year.

The Boston Globe
Sept. 26, 2001

Everyone agreed that "nothing will ever be the same" after the September 11th terrorist attack, and of course they were right. Now House Speaker Tom Finneran has leaped onto the attack as a specious excuse to kill our tax rollback, passed by the voters in a resounding 59-41 percent vote. "Any excuse is a good excuse" up on Beacon Hill when it comes to stifling the will of the voters when they don't like the results.

Sheer arrogance has thus far carried them through overruling the voters' overwhelming decision on the Clean Elections ballot question.

How low can Finneran and his crowd sink? They are now attempting to ride the back of a national disaster as an excuse to overturn another overwhelming statewide ballot question result!

And to think, they used to call us "tax-cut terrorists"!

Chip Ford

The Boston Globe
Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Finneran opposes further tax cut
By Tanya Mannes
Globe Correspondent

House Speaker Thomas M. Finneran is urging a halt to the state's voter-approved income tax cut.

In a meeting with Fidelity Investment employees in Marlborough yesterday, Finneran said that the state is entering a recession, and he is concerned that the terrorist attacks earlier this month will send state finances plunging.

"After September 11, the bottom appears to have fallen out," he said. "This challenge that we have is bigger than any of us, and surpasses anybody's political ambitions or political goals or political comfort levels."

In a meeting with Acting Governor Jane M. Swift and Senate President Thomas F. Birmingham Monday, Finneran suggested postponing a further reduction called for in the tax cut overwhelmingly approved by voters last year. That reduction is scheduled to reduce the income tax from 5.95 to 5 percent.

Swift said later, "I told them I was not willing to entertain that debate."

September 26, 2001

For Immediate Release

Re:  Reports of Finneran's plan to ignore Question 4, just overwhelmingly passed by the voters in November.

First Tom Finneran denied "the Promise" that the 1989 tax hike was temporary. He was proven wrong.

Then he fought the promised tax cut anyway. He lost.

Now he tries to use the terrorist attack on America as an excuse to keep the higher tax rate.

Tom Finneran -- no honor, no credibility, no shame.


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