CLT Update
Wednesday, August 29, 2001

CLT memo to legislators concerning the Stabilization Fund

The following memo will be hand-delivered today to every legislator at the State House. If they are not in their offices (ie., enjoying their extended vacations), a copy will be left with office staff.

Yesterday we attempted to reach all Republican legislators by phone to find at least one who will object in the upcoming informal session. The results of our effort will follow in the next day or two.

Chip Ford

CLT Memo to Legislators

To:  Members of the General Court
Re:  Be a working-class hero;
        support a Labor Day weekend tax cut for working people
August 29, 2001
Contact: Barbara Anderson or Chip Faulkner (508-384-0100)

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts should be celebrating Labor Day weekend by returning the surplus -- i.e, over-collected state tax revenues of more than half a billion of their dollars -- to working people who apparently overpaid or there wouldn't be a surplus.

At the end of August, surplus funds flow into the Stabilization Fund ("rainy day fund"). When that is full they flow into the Tax Reduction Fund and back to the taxpayers with an increase in their personal exemption ...

... unless, of course, you decide differently by passing the deficiency budget which both raises the cap again on the Stabilization Fund and creates new mini-slush funds, with the stated goal of ensuring that working people don't get the increase in their personal exemption.

But this would be a major legislative decision.

So, according to the rules, it can't be made in an informal session.

For some reason the few legislators who were present for the Aug. 23rd session in the House, and the Aug. 27th session in the Senate, did not object to this important vote being taken in an informal session.

You can object when the deficiency budget returns from conference committee, again in an informal session.

One legislator -- you -- can give working people of Massachusetts some tax relief in April.

An increase in the personal exemption is overdue. The federal government adjusts it for inflation; Massachusetts does not, though it should.

You can at least give working people a one-time increase in their personal exemption by objecting to the deficiency budget this week.

Be a working-class hero. Give your laboring constituents both a representative on Beacon Hill for important issues, and a tax reduction on Labor Day weekend.

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