CLT Update
Thursday, March 1, 2001

Consistency, not situational ethics, Part II

We actually share Finneran's disdain for the Clean Elections Law.... But the voters of Massachusetts have spoken. And we do not share Finneran's obvious disdain for them.

The Boston Herald
Wed., Feb. 21, 2001

We argued against the Clean Elections Law back when it was on the ballot in 1998.... The facts notwithstanding, we lost the argument.... Voters overwhelmingly approved the Clean Elections Law in the 1998 election.... That's why we're appalled at how the state Legislature is trying to gut the Clean Elections Law and turn it to entrenched politicians' own advantage.

The Eagle Tribune
Tues., Feb. 27, 2001

... Cellucci has taken the position that the people have spoken (and since they have also spoken on the issue of an across-the-board income tax cut, Cellucci has maintained a certain intellectual consistency) and their will must be done.

The Boston Herald
Thurs., Mar. 1, 2001

"The legislators' battle cry in all this is that 'the people did not understand what they voted for,'" states an editorial (below) in the Lawrence Eagle Tribune editorial, and no, the pols aren't talking about the constitutional amendment approved by the voters which now guarantees them automatic and untouchable pay raises -- though if ever there was such a ballot question voters didn't understand it would certainly be that one!

Isn't it interesting how well informed and intelligent voters are presumed to be when they reelect pols over and over again or vote for a ballot question that profits the pols, yet they are just so darned stupid when it comes to anything else?

As most of us recognize, the very future or the initiative and referendum process is today on the line. If the unmitigated arrogance of the Beacon Hill Cabal is enables them to thumb their noses at one successful ballot question, it will embolden them to thumb their noses at any and all ballot questions that don't serve their insatiable self-interests.

And remember: If a proposed ballot question served their interest and suited their approval, they would simply pass it as a law.

Only the little people, the great unwashed masses like us, have to slave to put something on the ballot that the Legislature has intransigently refused to consider and adopt. Even when they must by law put a proposed constitutional amendment (that benefits them) on the ballot, they just vote to put it there. No signature collecting is necessary for the Beacon Hill elite.

Many or us who are struggling to support the Clean Elections Law as adopted by 67 percent of the voters vehemently opposed it when it was on the ballot and campaigned strenuously against it. Many of us still oppose it on principle.

But there is a greater principle at play: Do voters have any respect remaining among the ruling Beacon Hill Cabal?

If they get away with gutting a law that was passed by 67 percent of the electorate, how long will it be before they come after our tax rollback ballot question?

Now is the time to take a stand.

They have despoiled credible elections in Massachusetts where almost all run for reelection against only token opposition, if any. They have made a joke of representative government, beholden only to the House and Senate leadership. Now they scheme to take away by legislative fiat the last tool the people have to assert their will.

It's all we have left, folks.

Don't let them get away with it, or any remaining semblance of democracy and self-rule will be lost forever.

Chip Ford

The Boston Herald
Wednesday, February 21, 2001

Finneran's disdain for voters shows
A Boston Herald editorial

What could House Speaker Tom Finneran be thinking?

We actually share Finneran's disdain for the Clean Elections Law. The notion that somehow the people of Massachusetts have to be taxed -- to the tune of about $40 million for each four-year election cycle -- to keep their politicians honest is offensive. But the voters of Massachusetts have spoken. And we do not share Finneran's obvious disdain for them.

The "compromise" the speaker put forth at the end of last week is far worse than full implementation. Finneran has indicated he would consider having the law apply only to statewide races, thus exempting legislative contests. If ever there was an utterly backwards notion it is that.

First, let's remember that the law is not mandatory for any candidate. But in order to get public funds, candidates must agree to abide by its stricter limitations on fund-raising. That is least likely to happen for the state's top offices. But the flow of public dollars could clearly have an impact on legislative contests, bringing new candidates into the field.

It's apparently that thought that scares the living daylights out of Finneran and his fat and happy band of incumbent lawmakers.

"I'm trying to reconcile my philosophical distaste for this with what the public has indicated as their distaste for the way campaigns are financed," Finneran told the Herald.

But the time for such "reconciling" has long since past. Finneran's only remaining task is to implement the law as it was approved by the voters.

The Eagle Tribune
Lawrence, Mass.
Tuesday, February 27, 2001

They know what's good for all of us

The Massachusetts Legislature should enact the Clean Elections Law as passed by voters.

We argued against the Clean Elections Law back when it was on the ballot in 1998.

We thought then, and still do, that using public money to finance the political ambitions of private individuals is an extraordinarily bad idea. It's all part of the hysteria over campaign finance reform, the notion that we have to "do something," however irrational, about the dread fact of money in politics. Actually, Americans spend about 10 times as much on candy and gum ($25.1 billion) as they do on political campaigns in a presidential election year ($2.5 billion).

The facts notwithstanding, we lost the argument -- at least here in Massachusetts. Voters overwhelmingly approved the Clean Elections Law in the 1998 election.

That's why we're appalled at how the state Legislature is trying to gut the Clean Elections Law and turn it to entrenched politicians' own advantage. The entire purpose of the initiative petition process is to allow citizens to enact laws when they feel legislators have failed to act. The Legislature is turning that process on its ear.

The law as passed by voters would have provided public money to candidates for statewide office and the Legislature -- provided those candidates agree to fund-raising and spending limits.

Since the law passed, lawmakers, led by House Speaker Thomas M. Finneran, D-Mattapan, have been busily at work seeking ways to circumvent the measure.

One particularly egregious proposal is to allow candidates to raise as much money as they can until six months before the election, when they would declare themselves as abiding by Clean Elections and eligible for public money.

This is called "having one's cake and eating it, too."

Rep. Finneran has also floated a proposal that would exempt House and Senate candidates from the law. His reasoning -- that higher-profile state races like governor and secretary of state are where the bulk of campaign money is raised and spent. Note, though, that under Rep. Finneran's plan, Rep. Finneran would not have to abide by the law.

The legislators' battle cry in all this is that "the people did not understand what they voted for." Only those afflicted with the arrogance of power could make such a statement.

Enact the Clean Elections Law as written. If it is bad legislation, that will soon become apparent.

The Boston Herald
Thursday, March 1, 2001

Finding common ground
A Boston Herald editorial

Massachusetts has never been one of those places where former political foes bury the hatchet shortly after a hotly contested election, clasp hands and join together for the good of the commonwealth.

So yesterday's joint news conference featuring former gubernatorial foes Scott Harshbarger, now president of Common Cause, and soon-to-depart Gov. Paul Cellucci, was nothing short of historic.

During that 1998 election the two men weren't just political opponents, they were also on opposite sides of the ballot question that became known as the Clean Elections Law once it was approved overwhelmingly by the voters. Cellucci was against; Harshbarger for. Since then Cellucci has taken the position that the people have spoken (and since they have also spoken on the issue of an across-the-board income tax cut, Cellucci has maintained a certain intellectual consistency) and their will must be done.

Legislative leaders are not similarly troubled at spitting in the eyes of voters who presumably knew what they were doing back in '98.

"If in this state this law can be gutted successfully, then it will dramatically increase people's skepticism and cynicism about the political process," Harshbarger said yesterday in a meeting with Herald editors and reproters. "There's just too much at stake here."

Campaign finance reform is at all levels an issue that cuts across ideological and party lines.

Harshbarger noted it was ironic that in Washington today it is Republicans who are largely opposed to the McCain-Feingold bill aimed at banning soft money donations (noting that Democrats in D.C. played a similar obstructionist role in 1993 and '94), while in Massachusetts it was the Democratic leadership that was opposed to the Clean Elections Law.

By coming to town to pitch for the law and to tie it to the McCain-Feingold bill, Harshbarger has upped the ante for Democrats on Beacon Hill.

For too long, he noted, legislative leaders have been able to tell their members that "nothing ever happens if you vote against reforms."

"The key in this business is being heard," Harshbarger said. "This is to make sure the public interest is being heard."

Harshbarger has helped do that.

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