Post Office Box 1147    Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945    (781) 639-9709
“Every Tax is a Pay Cut ... A Tax Cut is a Pay Raise”

48 years as “The Voice of Massachusetts Taxpayers”
and their Institutional Memory

CLT News Release
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thanks to Barbara Anderson for CLT’s Ticking Tax-Cap Time Bomb


Contact: Chip Ford, Executive Director

“I’m sure Barbara Anderson is up there looking down on us with a grin pumping her fist in the heavens,” said Chip Ford, executive director of Citizens for Limited Taxation.

The news that CLT’s (and the Massachusetts High Tech Council’s) tax cap, approved by 54% of the voters on the 1986 statewide ballot, is eligible to kick in for only the second time since its adoption is exhilarating. It solves the situation of billions of dollars in tax overpayments, the multi-billions in historic revenue surpluses, and who that windfall rightfully belongs to.

Taxpayers have CLT under the tireless leadership of Barbara Anderson and founding president of the MHTC Howard Foley to thank for their foresight and the energy and commitment of the two organizations and its members for this expected tax rebate.

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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    (781) 639-9709