Post Office Box 1147    Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945    (781) 639-9709
“Every Tax is a Pay Cut ... A Tax Cut is a Pay Raise”

48 years as “The Voice of Massachusetts Taxpayers”
and their Institutional Memory

CLT News Release
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Citizens for Limited Taxation Supports Gov. Baker’s Tax Relief

CLT Testimony (H.4361)

Testimony for the Joint Committee on Revenue on H.4361

To:  Members of the Joint Committee on Revenue
February 22, 2022

Gov. Baker’s proposal for tax relief (H.4361) is long overdue.  With the record billions of surplus revenue dollars pouring into the state treasury over the past two years, the most important question is:  If not now, when?

On announcing his proposal, Gov. Baker noted:  "The cost of just about everything is going up, and these tax breaks would help offset some of those costs for families."  Although inflation – “the cruelest tax of all,” now historically high and growing by the day – has affected everyone, there has always been inflation that has reduced the value of tax policies for taxpayers as time passes.  The time has arrived to revisit and update lagging tax policies.

For example, the renter’s deduction – a feature of our Proposition 2½ since voters adopted it forty-two years ago – was introduced in CLT’s law to benefit renters in the sharing of property tax limitation for landlords.  Increasing the deduction for rent payments from $3,000 to $5,000 – especially considering the long, steady and rising cost of housing – is overdue, and the governor’s proposal is modest.  Going forward, this deduction should be indexed to the Consumer Price Index, median family income, or some objective standard, to prevent it from falling behind in the future.

The same can be said for the most onerous estate tax in the nation, long outdated and much in need of adjustment just to catch up with past value lost.  The senior circuit breaker property tax credit and the governor’s other targeted tax relief proposals are all in need of adjustment as well.  Going forward, they too should be indexed to the Consumer Price Index, median family income, or some objective standard.

The Legislature has recognized the advantage of indexing for inflation and has adopted this mechanism for automatic legislative salary and stipend adjustments.  Indexing has worked for legislators and can work as well for taxpayers.

CLT and its members hope this committee will endorse the governor’s tax relief proposals, H.4361, and the Legislature adopts them.  There isn’t a better time for this.

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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    (781) 639-9709