CLT Memo to Members of
The Committee on Children and Families
Monday, May 15, 2017
“Yes” on H-106, Out-of-State Cash Assistance Limits
To: Members of the
Joint Committee on Children and Families
May 15, 2017
In response to a public
records request last December it was revealed that over the prior 18
months $7.2 million is state welfare funds were spent outside
Massachusetts, including $549,000 in Florida, $110,000 in Puerto Rico,
$2,054 in Atlantic City, NJ, another $134,000 in cities and towns around
Walt Disney World.
What possible legitimate need or use for an EBT card – taxpayer-funded
cash payments – could not be satisfied in the six state area of
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island or
H-106 – “An
Act relative to the out-of-state use of cash assistance” – intends to
rectify this indefensible abuse. We hope you will support this common
sense reform and protect taxpayers’ generosity.