CLT Memo to the Legislature
Friday, July 29, 2016

No New Taxes!


To:  House and Senate members
July 29, 2016

The seed for a new tax on motorists has been planted within H.4424, a bill providing funding for roads and bridges.

An amendment quietly inserted by the Senate Ways and Means Committee would have Massachusetts apply for federal funding to test a tax on vehicle miles traveled scheme. This is the first step toward a new tax on motorists. Whether it would be in addition to, or on top of the current gas tax is unknown, but if past is prelude we can assume the worst.

We strongly urge legislators and the governor to reject this first step toward a new tax.

We also adamantly oppose an amendment to the municipal government reform bill filed by Sen. Benjamin Downing (D-Pittsfield) which would give communities an option to levy a local tax to pay for local transportation costs.

Beleaguered Massachusetts taxpayers already pay too much — the 5th-highest per capita burden in the nation — while they still await the voters' 2000 mandate that the "temporary" income tax hike be restored to its historic 5% as promised twenty-seven years ago when it was "temporarily" increased.

With the rush of major legislation being voted upon over this final weekend of the legislative session these and any tax increases do not deserve consideration in this 11th-hour — only rejection.

Thank you for your consideration.


Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665